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![]() ![]() ![]() XOOLOGY
![]() On this page we will showcase some of the combinations and diversities of exotic zoology, commonly called, xoology, a variation of zoology and a contraction of xenozoology. If you have information on entries below or on others which we have not yet listed please contact us, fellow xoologist, at hierogamous@lycos.com.
Afghant hound: large, slender, 6-legged caninoid with long, thick hair, pointed muzzle, drooping ears and antennae
ahulph: [The Anome by Jack Vance] domesticated subhuman from Durdane that communicates by odor
akman: [“In the Walls from Eryx” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling] wringling, slimy creature
Alborak: silver horse from Mohammed able to travel at hundreds kilometers per second
Aldebaran serpent: ["Hide and Q" by C. J. Holland] 3-headed reptilian from alpha Tauri
al-mi'raj: yellow hare with one black horn, related to jackalope
Alfzarian dragon: ["Honorable Enemies" by Poul Anderson] from Borthudian mts., Alfzar, Betelgeuse system
alligoator: [alligator + goat] alligator-like omnivorous ruminant
Alopex: huge boy-eating fox from Thebes
alpacat: [alpaca + cat] wooly, long-necked felinoid
amdok: [Warrior of Llarn, Theif of Llarn by Gardner F. Fox] scaly, Shetland pony-sized megapodan with 3 eyes, large powerful jaw, whip-like tail used as steed from Llarn
amphisbæna: [Pliny] serpent with head at each end , said to protect in pregnancy when alive, curing rheumatism when dead
angbut: [City of the Chasch by Jack Vance] food ichthoid of the Green Chasch from Nion
angurusaur: ["Godzilla Raids Again" aka "Gigantis, the Fire Monster" by Shigeru Kayama] 120-meter tall biped with nearly useless forearms, back plates, outward-pointing fangs, small ears, multiple brains, breaths fire
anqä: [Al-Mas'udi] aka simurgh, huge human-faced bird
antaconda: [ant + anaconda] large 6-legged serpentinoid with antennae
antgora: [angora + ant] 6-legged insectoid with long, silky hair
antholops: [Physiologus] bovine with large saw-like horns
anthropoid: human-like animal, see diplovertubron, hornadon, humped man, monster men, nane, orangopoid
apapanu: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] large rock-like water-spouting creature from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
appamoosa: [appaloosa + moose] equinoid with moose-like antlers and spotted rump
apt: [The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs] Barzoomian pongoid, 2-meter tall at shoulder with white fur, 2 arms, 4 legs, hippo-like mouth with 2 large slightly curving tusks, large multi-lidded compound eyes
arabe: [Le Mammouth Bleu by Luc Alberny] milk animal from Grande Euscarie
arachnoid: spider-like animal, see avray, hook spider, Lycosa tarantula, spigas, targo, yembla
archæotherium: Oligocene giant swine
argea: [The Cry of the Onlies by Judy Klas] 6-legged arboreal animal from Boaco VI
Arkarian water fowl: ["Starship Mine" by Morgan Grendel] ornithoid from Arkar noted for mating habits
asakku: [Assyrian] animal-headed anthropoid
aspara: [Islandia] scarlet-beaked white seagull with brown back, swift and agile as swallow
aspis: small, very musical dragon
assp: [ass + asp] venomous equinoid with large ears, serpentine neck and head
Astran dragon: [The Stars Are Ours by Andre Norton] winged yellow-green 2.5-meter snake from Astra (Deutero-Sol II), with small flat head on a long neck, protruding belly, 25-centimeter claws, large webbed feet
aukoala: [auk + koala] amphibian with razor-bill, short wings, webbed feet, large ears, sharp claws, pouch
aya: [The Queen of Zamba, etc. by L. Sprague de Camp] equinoid steed from Krishna, tau Ceti system
ayuk: [King David's Spaceship by Jerry Pourelle] moose-like animal with prehensile tail and semi-prehensile claws from Makassar
avray: ["horror", "doom" Brightness Falls from the Air by James Tiptree, Jr.] plum-colored, arachnoid decapod from Damien, Yttei system
Azarian ant-bear: [Land of Terror by Edgar Rice Burroughs] large as an elephant
azdyryth: [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] small whale-like creature with gator-like head
bakamaru: “Seed of Reason” by Daniel Hatch] green arboreal felinoid from Chamal, imitated by shapeshifting Chamalians
balæna: island-sized fish with back sabre
balarâma: [Mahabharata] monstrous snake
balaseli: [“Passage” by Joe Haldeman] flying creature both like manta and bat with 3.6-meter wingspan, 12 legs, glossy black back, white underside with hook-like cilia able to skin victim before eating alive, noted in rite of passage to adulthood from Obelobel
ball creature: [Han Solo at Star's End by Brian Daley] docile, nocturnal spheroidal herbivore from Duroon, Jedi galaxy, that moves by bouncing
bandersnatch: [Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll] frumious creature; [“Dear Mom” by Stephen C. Fisher] larger-than-man-sized blue-black sauroid biped with beak and no arms from La Paz
Banerian hawk: ["If Wishes Were Horses" by Nell McCue and William L. Crawford] hawk-like ornithoid from Baneria
banth: [Edgar Rice Burroughs] Barzoomian "lion", dekapodal predator, 3.5-meters long, yellow-skinned, hairless except for great bristly mane, several rows of needle-like fangs, enormous green eyes and powerful tail
bantha: ["Star Wars IV: A New Hope" by George Lucas, Tatooine Manhunt by Bill Slavicsek and Daniel Greenberg] large quadruped with long thick fur, (males) with long spiral horns, believed by Dim-U priests to hold key to a new golden age
baragon: 45-meter saurian with body back shell, large ears, curved forehead horn, ability to spit lightning bolts and leap great distances
bardicant: [Araminta Station by Jack Vance] large and voracious but lithe, slate-gray omnivore from Deucas with skewer-like tail
bardok: [Yesterday's Son by A. C. Crispin] white-furred creature from Sarpeidon, beta Niobe
bargump: [Ghost-Walker by Barbara Hambly] dominant animal from Midgwis (Elcidar Beta III)
basilisk: dangerous animal with cock's body, iron claws and beak, tripesnake's tail, whose stare is fatal and can be killed by its own reflection
basto: [Carson Napier series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] large,wild blue boar-like creature from Napier's planet with powerful tusks, elephantine-like hide
beer belly: [Reebok commercial] 1+ meter spheroid with belly button
Belzoidian flea: ["Deja Q" by Richard Danus] flea-like insectoid from Belzoid
benu: [Egyptian] sacred eagle-like purple heron, see fêng-huang, phoenix
bereglo: [Languages of Pao by Jack Vance] gnawer from Pao
Berengarian dragon: ["This Side of Paradise" by D. C. Fontana] yellow-orange, crested, winged herbivorous 19-meter long dracoid from Berengaria VII with long tail, 700-year lifespan
bhâranka: [Hindi] 2-headed bird
bi: [“Confluence” by Brian Aldiss] Northern Myrin cockerel thought mythical
bibbling: [Bibblings by Barbara Paul] ornithoid necessary for the continued sanity of unmarried, fertile natives from Lodon-Kamaria
bishtar: [The Queen of Zamba, etc. by L. Sprague de Camp] elephantine cart-puller from Krishna, tau Ceti system
biyelk: [Helliconia trilogy by Brian Aldiss, see yelk] from Helliconia, Batalix-Freyr system
blackfish: [Syzygy by Michael G. Coney] shark-like Arcadian predator, periodically telepathically controlled by breeding plankton
blase tree goat: ["Ewoks" TV series] arboreal goat-like creature that hangs lethargically like sloth, from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
blob: ["The Blob"] amorph that grows to 15 meters across by absorbing flesh on contact, nearly impossible to kill
blood-sucker: ["Exploration Team" by Murray Leinster] troublesome vampiric flying monkey from Loren II
bloodworm: [The Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson] 2.4 to 5-cm translucent invertibrate from Arodi (Regulus A II and V) with 4 bloodsucking tentacles
blope: ["Ewoks" TV series] hippo-like swamp-dweller, Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
blue giraffe: ["The Blue Giraffe" by L. Sprague de Camp] mutant giraffe
boarse: [boar + horse] wild pig-like equinoid
boghog: [Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams] porcoid from bogs of NowWhat with valuable skin, but meat eaten only in desperation
boisha: [A Miracle of Rare Design by Michael Resnick] ruminant food animal from Artismo
bolognat: [bologna + gnat] small biting insectoid with curved cylindrical body
bonegnawer: ["Star Wars IV: A New Hope" by George Lucas] flying desert carnivore with tooth-filled jaws strong enough to crush rock, Jedi galaxy
boogen: ["The Boogens"] 60-centimeter centipede-like bloodsucker with whip-like tentacles
bordok: ["Ewoks" TV series] medium-sized pony-like equinoid used as beast of burden by Ewoks, Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
boreostracon: giant Pleistocene glyptodon
borogove: [Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll] thin, shabby mop-like bird
Boschian monster: [The Gardens of Delight by Ian Watson] monster like those depicted by Hieronymus Bosch on 4H97801
bothridon: amphibious swine
branch-snake: from Tierra del Cygnus, 72 Cygni system
brontëosaur: [“The Infinormatics Laboratory” by Ian Stewart] sauroid with 2 spring-like legs from Ombilicus
brontops: 4.2-meter Oligocene titanothere
budger: [Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia] jungle-dwelling mutant
Bulgallian rat: ["Coming of Age" by Sandy Fries] frightening but not deadly
bunyip: [Journal of the Anthropological Institute] swamp-dwelling maneater
butterfish: ["Uncharted Territory" by Connie Willis] perverse ichthoid from Boohte
Caldorian eel: ["Unification" by Rick Berman and Michael Piller] 1.2-meter
calicobra: [calico + cobra] venomous hooded serpentinoid with black, white and red markings
Calonack elephant : [Voiage de Sir John Maundebil] elephantine animal from Calonack
calot: [Edgar Rice Burroughs] Barzoomian "dog", pony-sized decapod with frog-like head and 3 rows of razor-sharp teeth
Caltiki: ["Caltiki, the Immortal Monster"] radioactive, flesh-eating, blood-sucking amoeboid worshiped by Mayans
caninoid: dog-like Afghant hound, animal, see dhog, dobermantis, muskfox, sungwas, tharban
castoroid: giant Pleistocene beaver
catlat: [Galactic Patrol by E. E. Smith] diminuitive but numerous cephalopodan from Delgon with bulbous head, parrot-like beak, tentacles
cathgan: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] small but poisonous Lemurian red snake
catoblepas: [Ethiopian] monstrous bovine that feeds on poisonous herbs
cecil: [Motie series by Larry Niven] sea serpentinoid from Maxroy's Purchase
cephalopoid: cephalopod-like animal, see glider squid, gring, poulp
Cerberus: 3-headed hellhound
cerpedos: [Memoires De Sir George Wollap by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis] white-furred, red-eyed squirrel from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
Ceti eel: ["Wrath of Khan" by Harve Bennett and Jack B. Sowards] sole surviving lifeform on Menkar V, alpha Ceti system, 35-cm 10-legged burrowing mollusc with large pinchers
Cetus: [“Belly of the Beast”] supposedly mythical planet-eater threated Savion again after 6 millennia
ch'i-lin: ssu ling of the West, Chinese unicorn with deer-like body, ox's tail, hooves
charlas: [Memores De Sir George Wollap by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis] tall hare with cat-like tail from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
chelonoid: turtle-like animal, see turtodon
cheropteroid: bat-like animal, see keese, lynar, spectrox bat
cherufe: [Araucanian] large, volcano-dwelling eater of young girls
chierofa: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] molluscoid of outer reef, a delicacy when cured and heated from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
chimæra: [Homer] lion-headed, serpent-tailed goat, [Hesiod] 3-headed
chinzu: [“Dorsai” by Gordon R. Dickson] food animal from the Hixabrod
Circassian cat: ["Violations" by Shari Goodhartz and T. Michael and Pamela Gray] funny-looking felinoid
claw monster: ["Panther Girl of the Congo"] 4.5-meter crayfish
clickfly: [A Door into Ocean by Joan Slonczewsky] attendant to naked Sharers from Shora the Ocean Moon of Valedon
clinger: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] beetle-like insectoid air-eater that glows when near body heat from Hraggellon (Dunuos II)
clingey: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom] dangerous ground-dweller from Pandora
Calonack elephant: [Voiage de Sir John Maundevile)
cobrahma: [cobra + Brahma] bovinoid with hooded head, pendulous dewlap, long neck and shoulder hump
colour: ["The Colour Out of Space" by Howard Phillips Lovecraft]
constrictosaur: ["Flash Gordon” series] constrictor reptilian from Mongo
coraknot: [The First Kingdom by Jack Katz] large, long-necked dracoid quadruped
corgodrill: [Fortune's Light by Michael Jan Friedman] small rainbow-colored pongoid
corkscrew beetle: [cortexclavus, The Wine of Violence by James Morrow] insectoid from Carlotta, Malnovian belt, UW Canis Majoris system
couch potato: ["Uncharted Territory" by Connie Willis] extraordinarily sedentary animal from Boohte
cowl: [cow + owl] nocturnal 4-legged milk-producing ornithoid with hooked talons, short beak, and large forward-set eyes protected by hood-like facial skin
crabbit: [crab + rabbit] decapod with broad, flattened carapace, short antennae, 2 large pinchers, long ears and short tail
crab monster: ["Attack of the Crab Monsters"]
cradlefish: [“Vox Sola”] ichthoid from Neethea
Crater Lake Monster: ["The Crater Lake Monster"]
creep: ["The Night of the Creeps"] black, slug-like brain-eating parasite
creeping unknown: ["The Quatermass Experiment"] space-borne spores in dormant state that grow into 6-meter tall amorphous parasite with long twining tentacles by consuming flesh, turns host into fungus-like life-sucker carrying over memories and physical attributes to next victim
cremont: [Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia] jungle-dwelling mutant
cutthroat: ["At the Zoo" by Rick Shelley] raccoon-faced baboon-like Albinian creature
dâbbe-i-chahâr-sar: [Islam] 4-headed, winged creature in India Ocean
Dagora: ["Dagora, the Space Monster" by Shinichi Sekizawa] 30-meter long lighter-than-air jelly-fish-like with 60-meter tentacles, crystalized by wasp venom
dahara: [Michael Kane series by "Edward Powys Bradbury" (Michael Moorcook)] pongoid the size of Shire horse with wide kangaroo-like tails and large hind legs used as steed on Kane's world
dakinî: [Tibetan] ghulah, i. e., femme ghoul
danakak: [“A Star Is Born” by Jerry Oltion] mouth-dwelling scavenger symbiot of the Darefta
daymare: [The Right Hand of Dextra by David J. Lake] ornithoid from Dextra
deadly spawn: in immature state 8-cm worm; in mature state 2-meter, 1.5-tonne reddish with plant-like trunk, 3 headseach with large mouth, no eyes, 2 long tentacles with pinchers
deltagar: [Jandar of Callisto by Lin Carter] sabretoothed tiger-like predator from jungle moon of Thanator with whip-like serrated tail, remarkably fast for its size, shaggy scarlet fur, 2 fantastic curling horns, neck ruff
Denevan neural parasite: ["Operation: Annihilate" by Steven W. Carabotsos] amorphous, gelatinous parasitic gestalt that devastated beta Portola, Levinius V, theta Cygni XII, Ingraham B and finally Deneva
deodath: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] Lemurian dragon-cat with 2 brains, 3 hearts
devourosaur: ["Flash Gordon” series] sea serpent from Mongo
dewback: ["Star Wars IV: A New Hope" by George Lucas] large reptilian herbivore used as beast of burden and guard animal in arid ecosystems, Jedi galaxy
dhog: [dog + hog] caninoid with short snout, curly tail
dhole: ["The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath" by Howard Phillips Lovecraft] enormous slimy, rustling, crawling, burrowing nocturnal creatures from the Pnoth valley, Isle of Oriab, Southern Sea, Dreamworld
dianoga: ["Star Wars IV: A New Hope" by George Lucas] 10-meter long 7-tentacled omnivore from shallow pool and murky swamps with one eyestalk, Jedi galaxy
digdogger: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] giant one-eyed sea urchin from kingdom of Hyrule
digworm: [Han Solo's Revenge by Brian Daley] small burrowing worm whose digestive juices can dissolve rock from planet Kamar, Jedi galaxy
Dioskylos: ["Clash of the Titans"] 2-headed hellhound
dikironium cloud creature: ["Obsession" by Art Wallace] space-faring gaseous bloodthirsty predator able to phase shift to become invisible
dinko: [Han Solo at Star's End by Brian Daley] palm-sized venomous creature with powerful hind legs covered with serrated spurs, 4 "arms", needle-like fangs that secretes a foul-smelling liquid to mark territory and discourage predators, Jedi galaxy
diplovertubron: ["The Monster of Piedras Blancas by C. Haile Chace] 1.8-meter tall scaly anthropoid with large claws, 2 blunt horns, large flared nostrils, fleshy shoulder pads, lumpy, varicose chest veins
dirosaur: [“The Prince and the Pirate” by Keith Laumer] forest sauroid with long neck and chin spike hunted on Elora
dirus: [canis dirus] giant Pleistocene wolf
divto: [“Ewok” series] 3-meter, 3-headed nocturnal venomous snake from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
dîwe: [Persian] shapeshifting ogre with animal faces, large tusks and horns
dnazd: [Killing Machine by Jack Vance] centipede-like creature with large poison-tipped mandibles from Misk Mts. of Thamber
dobermantis: Doberman + manta] pale green caninoid hexapod with powerful grasping forelimbs
dogator: [dog + alligator] canine-like ambibious sauroid
dog-bird: [The Travels and Adventures of William Bingfield, Esq.] great flightless ornithoid from Bingfield's Island with shaggy hair, greyhound-like head, pig-like tail, long legs with panther-like claws, lays eggs and gives milk
dograt: [King of Argent by John Phillifent, dog + rat] scavenger from Argent, Alcone II
dollphin: [doll + dolphin] short-snouted mermaid-like cetacean with humanoid face markings
dottle: ["The Book of Ptath" by A. E. Van Vogt] sleek, scarlet, one-horned quadrupedal steed from Gonwonlane
dracoid: dragon-like animal, see Berngarian dragon, coraknot, dragonnewt, dragonsnail, dwark, eelbird, fumsh, Gappa, Ghidorah, gocko, grakk, groack, gryphorg, harrekki, illuyanka, kiu-lung, Krayt dragon, lajazell, lung, mantigrue, snow dragon, spahlen-tier, tannin, volcano mutant, vouivre, yathrib, yü-lung, zah, zell
dragonfly: "dragonfly from another world", Adventures of the Fly] dragon-like fire-breathing 5.5-meter tall, 11-meter long insectoid with purple skin, 4 legs, 2 heads, 2 wings
dragonnewt:[White Bear and Red Moon by Greg Stafford] newt-like dracoid from Glorantha
dragon-slug: ["Star Wars" series by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson, Prophets of the Dark Side by Paul and Hollace Davids] slug-like lumni-spice eating cavern dweller from Hoth VI, Jedi galaxy
dragonsnail:[White Bear and Red Moon by Greg Stafford] snail-like dracoid from Glorantha
drakken: [The Face of the Waters by Robert Silverberg] top predator -- with rammerhorn -- from the waterworld Hydros
dreamer: [“The Winged Dreamers” by Jennifer Guttridge] furry, transparent-winged flier that “exists for living their dreams”, telepathic gestalt on Durban's world
drella: ["Wolf in the Fold" by Robert Bloch] love-eater from Canopus (alpha Carinae) V
drillbit: [The Integral Trees by Larry Niven] dangerous parasite from Smoke Ring, LeVoy's star ship
drok: ["Flash Gordon” series] stegosauroid from Mongo
dryworm: [“Who Mourns for Adonais?" by Gilbert Ralston] giant worm-like creature from Antos IV
duitra: ["The Ambergris Element" by Margaret Armen] aka sur-snake, red tentacled, whale-sized venomous sea monster from Argo
dumbo: [The Integral Trees by Larry Niven] dangerous preditor in Smoke Ring, LeVoy's system
duocorn: unicorn-like animal with two horns
dû paikar: 2-faced sea monster from China Sea
duplgoose: [Amazing Logic Puzzles by Norman D. Willis] goose-like ornithoid from Dranac that lays eggs in pairs
durkii: [“Droids” series] hideous, 3-meter reptilian megapodan with baboon face
durok: [“Battle for Alana” by Bernie Krigstein] steed adapted to icy cold
duster: [“The Paracite Planet” by Stanley G. Weinbaum] giant moth-like insectoid
dwark: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] large tyrannosaur-like jungle dracoid
dyryth: [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] arboreal, sloth-like, elephant-sized shaggy-haired herbivore with bark-slashing claws, defensive tail
eagull: [eagle + gull]
Ebirah: [“Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster”] 110-m lobster from Letchi Island
eelbird: [“Amok Time” by Theodore Sturgeon] 9-meter, dracoid with snake-like body, feathery wings and tail, 2 large clawed legs, light prismatic blue underbelly, noted for its 11-yr migration to western caves from Arodi, Regulus A V
eelephant: [eel + elephant] elephant-like quadruped with serpentine “trunk”
eelk: [eel + elk] large greyish-brown ruminant with long branching antlers and serpentine tongue
elacroc: [“The Cryer of Crystal” by Joseph Green] big as an elephant with teeth like a crocodile from Crystal
elenu: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] ichthoid from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
elephant-bird: [Atkanda-lihiniya, Sri Lanka and Nepal] huge bird able to hold elephants in talons, see rukh
elephant-fish: {Hindi] fish with elephant-like head and forelegs
elephant-tiger: [1001 Arabian Nights] tiger-like felinoid with elephantine head and wings
elephent: [elephant + ent] see nicor
eleroo: [Wuz series by Douglas Hutchison] elephantine megapodan from Wuz
emh: [“The Altar of Redemption” by Anne Laurie Logan] large animal of the jauneans
endrop: [Rumanian Physiologus] half-horse half-fish
equinoid: horse-like animal, see assp, aya, boarse, bordok, fastiga, igriou, tigrelis, vykar, zebrhino
evillya: [the Mushroom Planet series by Eleanor Cameron] insectoid from Basidium
fanamin-pitoloha: 7-headed hydra from Madagascar
farnoth: [“In the Walls from Eryx” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling] fly-like insectoid
fastiga: [The Three-cornered Wheel” by Poul Anderson] long-eared, long-snouted equinoid from Ivanhoe system
fathla: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] awful, cat-sized arboreal leech from Lemuria
fatty: [Syzygy and Brontomek by Michael G. Coney] tuna-like ichthoid, primary food source of colonists from Arcadia
felinodore: [Eyes of the Overworld by Jack Vance] felinoid
felinoid: cat-like creature, see bakamaru, elephant-tiger, felinodore, gok, heraldic panther, ja, jaguon, Kryonian tiger, larl, nebek, octopuss, orcat, power-cat, ritoodolorum, slashback, tigron, Tlînian tiger, vandar, yali, yayax
fêng-huang: [Chinese] beautifully feathered bird with enchanting cry, ssu ling of the South, see benu, phoenix
fierson: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen Trading Cards] ravenous, fanged ursinoid with apish face from Kroto, Sirius system
fingal: [“Believer's” by David Gerrold] noted for eggs
fingershell: [A Door into Ocean by Joan Slonczewsky] used to control fingershell parasites by colonists on Shora, the Ocean Moon from Valedon
fire beetle: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen Trading Cards] enormous insectoid with hypnotic powers and adapted to high temperatures
firebird: [“At the Zoo” by Rick Shelley] supergaudy pheasant-like ornithoid from Fennich
fishbird: [The Reefs of Space by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson] multitudinous prey of the pyropods
fish-goose: [church of Zillis]
fkyd: [“The Altar of Redemption” by Anne Laurie Logan] quadruped of the jauneans
flatwing: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom] dangerous ground dweller from Pandora
flendag: [Ghost-Walker by Barbara Hambly] creature that nests in streams from Midgwis (Elcidar Beta III)
fleratii: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] large, silvery flying-fish-like ichthoid from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
flesheater: [“The Flesh Eaters”] microbes that grow upon electrification to glowing lumpy oval 6 by 12 meters with 9 feeding tendrils, 1 white eye spot, poisoned by blood
flion: [fly + lion] griffinoid with insectoid wings and antennae and felinoid body
flit: [The Barber of Aldebaran by William Moy Russell] insignificant seeming but producing an astonishingly potent pheromone to which animals, humans, and even robots are not resistant
flongboo: [Rootabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg] yellow, nocturnal predator with luminous tail that lives in hollow trees of Saskatchewan
floob: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] short-legged, brown-furred creature of Parramat archepelago, Senisran
floob-boober-bab-boober-bub: [On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss] variant of floob (?)
flumsh: [Sugar and Spike series] 9-meter long, 6-meter tall dracoid, pink with blue spots, red crest and back plates, fangs, yellow forehead horn, vestigial yellow wings, 4 short legs, able to fix anything (by reversing local time?) with forked red tongue
four-mouth: [“The Wondrous Works of His Hands” by Jayge Carr] noted for great appetite from Thuban, Draco constellation
fox-bear: [Island of Dr. Moreau by Herbert Gerge Wells] fox-headed ursinoid mutant
fox-fish: [Church of Zillis] fox-headed ichthoid
frallop: [Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia] jungle-dwelling mutant
frankenswine: [Mirabile by Janet Kagan] porcinoid Dragon's Tooth mutant reminiscent of Frankenstein's monster
frayoomnairo: [Mushroom Planet series by Eleanor Cameron] egg-sized mushroom-like animal from Basidium
f'tan: [“Seed of Reason” by Daniel Hatch] porcine from Chamal, imitated by shapeshifting Chamalians
fusorian: [The Reefs of Space by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson] single-cell interstellar space dweller that fuses free hydrogen into heavier elements forming the Reefs of Space
gaarnokh: [Flandry series by Poul Anderson] horned creature from Starkad
gagh: [“A Matter of Honor” by Wanda M. Haight, Gregory Amos and Burton Armus] Klingon “serpent worms” eaten either live or stewed from Qonos
gaid: [Book of Dreams by Jack Vance] 6-meter ichthoid from Aloysius with luminifer-tipped dorsal spines
gajasimha: [Sinhalese] monstrous elephant-lion
gajavirâla: monster with lion and elephant characteristics
gatortoise: [alligator + tortoise] amphibious sauroid with high, rounded carapace, powerful jaws
Gamera: [“Gamera the Invincible” by Nizo Takahashi] 60-meter long, 80-tonne chelonian energy-eater with nearly impenetrable shell, upward-pointing tusks, green blood, able to fly by retracting legs and shooting jets out from 2 or 4 legholes
gananoid: [The First Kingdom by Jack Katz] very long necked quadruped
ganute: [Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia] 3-eyed, black, wooly, blue-mouthed jungle-dwelling mutant
ganzer: [“Mindswap” by Robert Sheckley] egg-layer from Melde II
Gaos: 61-meter tall nocturnal biped with small, powerful claws, flat bird-like head, stiff neck, leathery wings, big yellow eyes with red irises, bright pink blood, able to shoot destructive yellow sonic beam from double throat, regenerate injured body parts, put out fires with yellow vapor, killable with ultraviolet light
Gappa: [“Gappa -- the Triphibian Monster” (Monster from a Prehistoric Planet) by Iwao Yamazak and Ryuzo Nakanishi] 90-meter tall bipedal dracoid with bat-like wings, fat horn, able to breathe fire
Garanian bolite: [“A Man Alone”]
gargel-orum: [On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss]
garthok: [Coneheads by Tom Davies and Dan Aykroyd] hexapod from Remulak, Cone nebula
gauntling: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] river animal from Hraggellon (Duruos II)
gaya: [“Shadow Lord” by Laurence Yep] long-haired, 3-meter long goat-like herd animal from Angira
gettle: [“Chain of Command” by Frank Abatemarco] wild herd animal from Cardassia
ghastozar: [Callisto series by Lin Carter] seagull-sized flying predator from Thanator
Ghidorah: [“Ghidrah” by Shinichi Sekizawa] 14-meter tall, 3-headed, long-necked dracoid with leathery wings, back spines, 2 tails, golden scales, able to spit lightning
ghole: [“Vaster Than Empires and More Slow” by Ursula K. LeGuin] experimental animal from Hain
giant claw: [“The Giant Claw” by Samuel Newman and Paul Gargelin] vulture-like ornithoid with 60-meter wingspan, pearshaped body, long neck, large head protected by antimatter shield neutralizable by muon beam
giant electric penguin: [“Scott of the Sahara”, Monty Python's Flying Circus series] 6-meter tall dessert-dwelling penguin-like biped with glowing eyes and 2 long green tentacles
gibik: [Highway by Neal Barrett, Jr.] extraordinarily viscious lemmit-like predator
Gigan: [“Godzilla vs. Gigan” by Jun Fukuda and Shinichi Sekizawa] 120-meter biped with large claws, tail, 3 flimsy but utile wings, armor plating particularly on forehead (from which destructive beam comes), shoulders, thighs, kneepads, beak and mandibles, one large red eye, neckspikes, buzzsaw in chest (!) from Hunter nebula
gilvo: [“New Ground” by Grant Rosenberg] rare stick-like tree-dweller from rain forests of Corvan II
giriffin: [giraffe + griffin] quadruped with long neck and legs, tan with orange-brown blotches, short horns, eagle-like head, lion-like body
glagon: [“Deadly Planet” by James Opie] steed from Kalthar
gleek: [“Mork and Mindy” series] poodle-like animal from Ork
glider squid: [A Door into Ocean by Joan Slonczewsky] red-blooded cephalopoid from Shora, the Ocean Moon of Valedon
glob fly: [“The Outrageous Okona” by Les Menchen, Lance Dickson and David Landsberg] Klingon insectoid half the size of a Terran mosquito but with loud buzzing sound from Qonos
glowpossum: [Starman Jones by Robert Heinlein] luminescent rodent-like marsupial from Charity
gnant: [gnat + ant] small, biting, 2-winged social insectoid
gnar: [“Seed of Reason” by Daniel Hatch] rodentoid from Chamal, imitated by shapeshifting Chamalians
gnewt: [gnu + newt]
gnnayh: [Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver] bird of prey from Houyhnhnm Island
gocko: [“Flash Gordon” series] 9-meter long green underground-dwelling dracoid with serpentine torso, 6 taloned feet, lobster-like claws, nostriled beak, forked tail from Mongo
gohma: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] cyclops monster crab from Hyrule
Gojira: [“Godzilla” by Inoshira Honda and Takeo Murata] 120-meter tall radioactive bipedal sauroid with jagged back plates, able to breathe fire
gok: [“A Race through Dark Places” by J. Michael Straczynski] felinoid from Minbar
golden beetle: [Gor series by John Norman] rhino-sized insectoid with meter-wide mandibles, golden main, feeds primarily on priest-kings
Gonalian moth: [“Disaster” by Ron Jarvis and Philip A. Scorza] swarming insectoid from Gonal IV
goober peacock: [goober pea + peacock] blightly-colored ornithoid with peanut-shaped body
goraffe: [gorilla + giraffe] tan centaur-like hexapod with orange-brown blotches, pongoid upper body and 4 long legs
gorgosaur: [“Gorgo” by Carson Bingham] 75-meter tall bipedal sauroid with large ears, red eyes, armored back and tail from Nara Island
gorillasaur: [Mighty Samson series] large fanged pongoid with lower quarters of lizard
gorolla: [The Barber of Aldebaran by William Moy Russell, gorilla-like?] fierce animal from Toxicurare
gorwol: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] silver-furred animal huntable only by Onhla from Starside Hraggellon (Dunuos II)
grabfoot: [Uhura's Song by Janet Kagon] underground-dwelling chicken-sized dinosauroid from Sivao
grakk: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] large, scaly, green-blooded “lizard-hawk” dracoid with 12-meter wingspan, long neck, barbed tail, hideous head, hooked beak, scarlet eyes, blue spiny crest from Lemuria
grakka: [Brick Bradford series] bipedal saurian with powerful arms, jaw and tail, horn on back of head, back spikes, bullet-proof hide
graouilli: monstrous dragon from Metz
gravel-maggot: [“Star Wars IV: A New Hope” by George Lucas] worm-like creature that feeds on rotting flesh from hills and rocky badlands of Tatooine, Jedi galaxy
green slime: [“The Green Slime” by Charles Sinclair, William Finger and Tom Rowe] reproduces from what looks like green blood into bipedal, 3-clawed footed, 2-armed mound with red orb on top, double boney back ridge, electrogenic pincers for self-cauderizing wounds
greep: [Motie series by Larry Niven] crab-like quadruped from Maxroy's Purchase
greeshka: [“A Song for Lya” by George R. R. Martin] cave-dwelling parasite able to give pseudo-immortality to empathic Shkeen in 10-year Joining
grelbon: [Coneheads by Tom Davies and Dan Aykroyd] carrion-eating heron-like ornithoid with half-meter wingspan from Remulak, Cone nebula
griffi-saur: [Sea Devils series] 5-meter orange-skinned boped with lion-like head and mane, feathery wings, scaly skin
griffletae: [“The Dashing About Flying Box People” by Uncle River] sleepy, sluggish creature from Craton V
grimb: [“The Book of Ptath” by A. E. van Vogt] 3.6-meter tall creature with small 3-horned head on long yellow neck on green body with bluish-violet tail from Gonwonlane
gring: [Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah] purplish fanged pongoid with 4-fingered hands
groack: [Callisto series by Lin Carter] towering, scaly, flippered “river dragon”
groke: [Muumipappa merellä, Muumipappan urotyöt by Tove Jansson] creature with large, round eyes fascinated by lamps whose loneliness causes ground to freeze
gron: [“Vaster Than Empires and More Slow” by Ursula K. LeGuin] “scapegoat” from Hain
grounder: [Highway by Neal Barrett, Jr.] insidious, threatening to Lemmits
gryf: [Tarzan the Terrible by Edgar Rice Burroughs] 6-meter triceratops-like sauroid with blue body, yellow face and belly, blue bands around eyes, red hood, 3 boney back ridges (yellow, red and yellow), used as steed in Pal-ul-don, Zaire
gryllus [Bosch Cretensis, Kato Zakro] monster of dissimilar body parts
gryphorg: [Fly Man series] 12-meter long omnivorous dracoid conjured by Evilo with 12-meter bat-like wings, grey skin, nearly useless forearms, long neck, back plate
Guilala: [“The Big Space Monster Guilala” (The X of Outer Space) by Kazui Nihonmatsu, Eibi Motomochi, Moriyoshi Ishida] 60-meter tall sauroid biped with lumpy skin, large leg frills, claws, beak, 2 flat body projections from sides from face, 2 antennae, 1 horn, shrinks when exposed to guilalium
Guiron: [“Gamera vs. Guiron” (Attack of the Monsters) by Fumi Takahashi] 60-meter long biped shaped like a butcher's knife with eyes on sides, brawny arms, stumpy legs
gundark: [“Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back” by Donald E. Glut] strong, wild, 4-armed 1.5-meter long pongoid whose ear-pulling was a rite of initiation
Gunji jackdaw:[“If Wishes Were Horses” by Neil McCue Crawford and William L. Crawford] ostrich-like ornithoid
guppeacock: [guppy + peacock] small, iridescent blue-green ichthoid
gura: [“Star Pirate” by Len Dodson] giant egg-laying creature
gwak: [“Flash Gordon] large, monstrous equine from Mongo
gwythaint: [Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander] huge black bird used as spy and exectioner by Arawn, defeated by crows
haha: [The Last Yggdrasill by Robert F. Young] ornithoid from New America (Genji V), fed by Quantextils, made extinct with the cutting of the last Yggdrasill tree
hanadak: [“Ewoks” series] ferocious creature like grizzly-baboon from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
handbird: [The Right Hand of Dextra by David J. Lake] hand-like ornithoid from Dextra
harikap: [Palace of Love, Star King by Jack Vance] large bristly biped from Sarkoy
harrekki: [Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin] small dracoid the size of a girl's hand with wings and talons, feeding on worms, wasps and sparrow's eggs from Iffish, Earthsea
haxopod: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] beast of burden from Hraggellon (Dunuos II)
hedamnu: [Hurrite] amphibious snake-dragon
Hedorah: [“Godzilla vs. Hedorah” (Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster)] 60-meter “flying pancake” garbage-eater with bulging eyes that leaves a sulphuric acid trail that grew into 120-meter amorph with red eyes, stumpy legs, pseudopods, long flat tail
heela: [Warriors of Mars by Edward Powys Bradbury and Michael Moorcock] 8-legged hyena-sized creature from Kane's world with 6 curved talons, long neck with 2 heads each with 4 eyes, razor-like teeth, 2 tails, barrel-like torso, feed on own dead when prey unavailable
heraldic panther: monstrous felinoid with blue, green and red spots with flaming mouth and ears from heraldry
hermit: [Diaspora by Greg Egan] molluscoid with interferometer vision from the janus tree forests of Poincaré
hexip: [The Right Hand of Dextra by David J. Lake, "hex-" + "hippos"] equine from Dextra
hippogryph: horse-like griffinoid with eagle head and wings
hipporcupine: [hippopotamus + porcupine] hippoid with long, sharp, erectile quills
hippopotamoose: [hippopotamus + moose] hippoid with moose-like antlers
hippopotamouse: [hippopotamus + mouse] river-dwelling hippo-sized rodentoid
hive-rat:[King David's Spaceship by Jerry Pourelle] fierce oviparous rodentoid from Makassar
hlai: [pl. hlaiin, The Romulan Way by Diane Duane and Peter Morwood] large flightless food ornithoid from 128 Trianguli system
hlorg: [“Contamination Crew” by Alan Nourse] pink omnivorous blob absorbs on atomic level via nuclear enzyme particularly carbon
hooded dasher: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Random] dangerous ground-dweller from Pandora
hook spider: [“Realm of Fear”] Talarian arachnoid with half-meter legs
hopiak: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] flying creature like bird and bat with pink eye below and above short beak from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
hoplophoneus: Oligocene sabre-toothed feline
hopper: [The Stars Are Ours by Andre Norton] kangaroo rat-like from Astra (Deutero-Sol II)
hoppopotamus: [Wuz series by Douglas Hutchison] rabbit-like hippoid from Wuz
horeb: [Callisto series by Lin Carter] vile rodentoid from Thanator
hornadon: [The First kingdom by Jack Katz] 60-centimeter tall, horned, fanged anthropoid
horse-rhino: [The Island of Dr. Moreau by Herbert George Wells] horse-headed rhinoceros mutant
horswine: [horse + swine] horse-like porcoid
howlrunner: [Han Solo's Revenge by Brian Daley] wild, canine-like omnivore from Kamar with humanoid-skull-like head
hoxney: [Heliconia trilogy by Brian W. Aldiss] creature from Helliconia, Batalix-Freyr system
hrotr: [“The Altar of Redemption” by Anne Laurie Logan] flying animal of the jauneans
huffalon: [Amazing Logic Puzzles by Norman D. Willis] beast of burden from Dranac
hugger: [The Barber of Aldebaran by William Moy Russell] exotic lifeform
hugl:[“The Chosen People” by Robert Randall] invested Nidor, see wiggle-worm until edris powder discovered
humbug: [The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster] large beetle-like insectoid in lavish coat, striped trousers, checkered waistcoat, spats and derby
humming peeper: [“Ewoks” series] small, flying swampdweller from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy with sleep-enducing hum
humped man: [The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson] anthropoid from the Night Land
hyaenodon: Oligocene carnivore
hydra: [Lernaean] 9-headed snake
hydrapoid: [The Microbots series] 4.5-meter tall grey-furred creature with mammoth-like body, tusks, 2 tentacle-like “trunks”, 3 slimy, suckered feeding tentacles on either side of face
hyena-swine: [Island of Dr. Moreau by Herbert George Wells] hyena-headed porcine mutant
hylighter: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Random] orange jellyfish-like lighter-than-air carnivore from Pandora
ice-ant: [“Flight on Titan” by Stanley G. Weinbaum] cold-adapted insectoid from Nivia colony, Titan
ichthoid: fish-like animal, see blackfish, butterfish, cradlefish, elenu, fatty, fleratii, fox-fish, gaid, lampray, lion-fish, pepperfish, revavuaa, rugfish, seaweed shark, sharkon, struul, suhur mas, treel, turby, wolf-fish
iguanat: [iguana + gnat] small, 6-legged sauroid
igriou: [Grondo “lazy”; La Découverte de L'Empire de Cantahur by De Varennes de Mondasse] white donkey-like person-shy equinoid from Cantahar Island that needs dog for motivation
illuyanka: [Hittite] hydra-like 7-headed dracoid
imdugud: [Mesopotamia] lion-bird
inlati: [Doomsday World by Carmen Carter, Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman and Robert Greenberger] spicy-tasting ichthoid
insectoid: insect-like animal, see antgora, Belzoidian flea, bolognat, clinger, corkscrew beetle, dragonfly, duster, evillya, fire beetle, glob fly, gnant, golden beetle, Gonalian moth, humbug, ice-ant, kete, khrukai, lychbug, makant, sificligh, sith, skarat, slimebug, tabbee
isak: [pl. isakki, Fortune's Light by Michael Jan Friedman] wild, toothy, black animal
ja: [Tarzan the Terrible by EdgarRice Burroughs] sabre-toothed, yellow-and-black striped lion-like felinoid from Pal-ul-don, Zaire, [“Confluence” by Brian Aldiss] depraved underground animal from Myrin
jabberwock: [Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll illustrated by John Jenniel] 6-meter tall creature with thin legs, 3-toed dinosaur-like foot, thin arms with 3 long furry claws, long rat-like tail, bat-like wings, pear-shaped body, serpentine neck, fish-like head with fins jutting from lower jaw and tendrils from sides of mouth, bug-eyes, no nose, antennae, scales
jaguon: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen trading cards] lion-like felinoid adapted to high temperatures
Jaiga: [“Gamera vs. Jiger” (Gammera vs. Monster X”) by Fumi Takahashi] 60-meter long stregosauroid that can spit quill-like spears, shoot heat ray, fly using jets under neck shield
Jarvis' sea-monster: [Four-Day Planet by H. Beam Piper] source of tallow wax, main export from Fenris
Joranian ostrich: [“Past Prologue” by Kathryn Powers] bird noted for hiding head under water, sometimes too long
![]() kadeko: [Eros Descending by Michael Resnick] beast of burden from Grotamana, Quinellus cluster
kailiauk: [Gor series by John F. Lange, Jr. as John Norman] large, lumbering, gregarious and dangerous, shaggy, trident-horned 2-tonne ruminant with 4 stomachs, 8-valved heart 2.5-meter at shoulder
kalinâga: [Hindi] 100-headed snake
kâkamadhenu: [Bengali] sphinx with cow's body, human face or [Bhârhut] lion's body with or without wings
kangamoo: [Kanga roo + moo (cow)] macropod-like milk producer
kangaroo rex: [Mirabile by Janet Kagan] tyrannosaur-like megapodan mutant from Dragon's Tooth, Mirabile
kangarooster: large macropod-like flightless ornithoid
karikot: 4-legged beast of burden from Ikranaka system
karix: [The Goddess of Ganymede by Michael D. Resnick, Donald M. Grant] lion-like day-blind creature the size of a grizzly with retractable suction cups on foot, with loud roar from Thane's moon
karkadann: hay-eater larger than camel with forehead horn from Camphor Islansd
karkaddan: [1001 Arabian Nights] 1-horned, winged antelope intermediate in size between elephant and rukh
kautûhala: [Hindi] animal-animal mosaics, e.g., elephant-lion, deer-lion
keese: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] cheropteroid from Hyrule controlled by Vire the devil
keratoro: [Space Ark by A. M Lightner] golden horned unicorn from Shikai
kete: [“Ewoks” series] large dragon-fly-like insectoid from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy, that builds spiral mounds made with sticky marshmallow-like substance
khrukai: [Flandry series by Poul Anderson, “swordwing”] swarming insectoid from Starkad
kik-kik: [“Shadow Lord” by Laurence Yep] giant beetle with luminous “eyes” in rat niche from Angira
kill-adder: [Witch of the Dark Gate by John Jakes] snake thick as man's arm with large fangs, threeked tongue
kiu-lung: [Chinese] hornless dragon
Klabnian eel: [“QPid” by Randee Russell and Ira Steven Behr]
klake: [Nick and the Glimmung by Philip K. Dick] horned creature from Plowman's planet
kllhe: [The Romulan Way by Diane Duane and Peter Morwood] dungworm from 128 Trianguli system
knife-kite: [“Flight on Titan” by Stanley G. Weinbaum] pterodactyl-like sauroid from Nivia colony, Titan
koala-shrew: [The Pollinators of Eden by John Boyd] symbiot to siren tulips from Flora
Krayt dragon: [“Star Wars IV: A New Hope” by George Lucas] large, carnivorous dracoid from Tatooine's Jundland mountains, Jedi galaxy
krith: [The Ring of Ritornel by Charles L. Harness] winged spider, most fearsome predator from the Deep in the Twelve Galaxies
Kroll: [“The Power of Kroll”] giant mutant squid with 250-meter head and 50+ tentacles worshipped (mistakenly) by Swampies of delta Magna III
kroter: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] fleet horse-sized reptilian steed from Lemuria
kroyie: [Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn] huge, canopy-dwelling ornithoid from Kashyÿk, Jedi galaxy, attracted to bright lights, hunted for food by Wookiees from Kashyyyk
Kryonian tiger: [“Imaginary Friend” by Jean Louise Matthias and Ronald Wilkerson and Richard Fliegel] tiger-like felinoid in xoo on Brentalia
kutrub: [1001 Arabian Nights] with long forefeet
labbeetle: [“Protective Mimicry” by Alguis Bulgess] selective vampiric beetle-like insectoid from Deneb Al Giedi (delta Capricornis) XI
labyrithodon: [aka sithig, Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] amphibian with crocodile-like jaws, toad-like body
lagardo: [“Dear Mom” by Stephen C. Fisher] 1-meter tall blue-black sauroid biped with beak and no arms, that spreads its wattles when excited from La Paz
lajazell: [Callisto series by Lin Carter] small winged dracoid from seashore, Thanator, related to zell
lalu: [Servants of the Wankh by Jack Vance] wild animal from Long Bones steppe, Maz
lambprey: [lamb + lamprey] small, wooly quadruped with jawless sucking mouth with rasping teeth
lampray: [lamprey + ray] ichthoid with horizontally flattened body, narrow tail, and jawless sucking mouth with rasping teeth
land eel: eel-like land animal from Tierra del Cygnus, 72 Cygni system
lanmola: [The Legend of Zenda by Nintendo] monstrous centipede from Hyrule
lantern bird: [“Ewoks” series] large, beautiful ornithoid with shimmering nest, incandecent tail feathers used in medicinal potions from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
lapling: [“The Most Toys” by Shari Goodhartz] small creature with long snout thought extinct but discovered in Kivas Fajo's collection and later Nagus Quark's
larl: [Gor series by John F. Large Jr. as John Norman] white-furred, panther-like felinoid with wide head a yard in diameter and immobilizing roar
larpa: [The Cry of thre Onlies by Judy Klass] hooting camel-like beast of burden with long muzzle from Boaco IV
larth: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] seaserpent “twice ship-size” with lashing tail, claws, fangs from Lemuria
leapdog: [The Monstrous Regiment by Storm Constantine] hazard from Mireway Artemis, Shamberel-Guino system
leever: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] red or blue 4-horned gumdrop-like energy-eater from Hyrule
le-matya: [Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson] yellow and green predator from T'Khasi (Vulcan), 40 Eridani system, both cat-like and dog-like with diamond-like side markings, striped tail
leopardvark: spotted anteater
lepon: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen trading cards] 2.1-meter long carnivore like both lion and flying squirrel with webbed paws adapted to low gee
leviosaur: [“The Door of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth” by Roger Zelazny] comparable to leviathan
liati: [“Knives” by Lawrence G. Tillio] wild Centauri animal
licat: [Ghost-Walker by Barbara Hambly] small predator from Midgwis (Elcidar Beta III)
licorne: [French] horse-bodied unicorn
lidi: [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] diplodocus-like beast of burden of the Thurians, Pellucidar
lightning beast: [Mighty Samson series] giant reptilian that can unleash a high-voltage charge
liobear: [Mighty Samson series] golden furred, 3-meter tall lion-headed ursine
lion-dog: [China] aka dog from Fo, bushy-tailed lion-like creature occasionally with wings or one horn
lion-fish: [Church of Zillis] lion-headed ichthoid
llamba: [llama + lamb] small long-necked wooly rumninat
Loch Moose monster: [Mirabile by Janet Kagan] moose-like lake monster mutant from Dragon's Tooth, Mirabile
long-mâ: [Vietmanese] horse-dragon with horn
lossine: [Voyage au center de la terre] 180-centimeter leathery sauroid used as watchdog from Albur, Pluto
luachsh: [Cabyle legend] wild monster
lug: [Knight Moves by Walter Jon Williams] large-headed, bug-eyed non-hopping megapodan that grazes on grass-like moss, able to teleport, on Amaterasu
luggage: [“Uncharted Territory” by Connie Willis] extraordinarily sedentary animal from Boohte
luachsh: [Cabyle] wild monster
luhimuh: [Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver] wild rat from Houyhnhnm Island
lung: [Chinese] fire-breathing, scaly, horned dragon
lychbug: [Marune: Alastor 933 by Jack Vance] stinging insectoid of Marune
Lycosa tarantula: [“Realm of Fear”] arachnoid from Lycosa
lyhannh: [Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver] large swallow-like bird from Houynhhnm Island
lynar: [“Chain of Command”] cheropteroid from Celtris III
Lysenkan mole: [Enemies of the System by Brian Aldiss] bipedal mole mutant from Lysenka II
![]() mafedet: [Egyptian] snake-lion
Magma: [“Gorath” by Takeshi Kimura] 75-meter tall walrus with glowing eyes able to use flippers for defense
![]() magma creature: [“The Caves of Androzani” by Robert Holmes] subterranean creature from Androzani Minor, Sirius system
magnoped: [“Flash Gordon” series] large pachyderm with pair of crushing tusks from Mongo
makant: [“Ewoks” series] large, playful insectoid like both mantise and cricket from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
makara: [Hindi] croc-like, elephant-like, snake-like creature
manateel: [manatee + eel] long, thin aquatic mammaloid with broad, flattened tail and paddle-like flippers
manda: [“Atoragon” (Atragon) by Shinichi Sekizawa] 6-meter long aquaticsnake with 4 small vestigial limbs, 4 straight horns, 180-centimeter fangs, snout tentrils, short brown mane on back, yellow eyes from Mu
mandoril: [Araminta Station by Jack Vance] wild animal from Cadwel
mantigrue: [“Ewoks” series] hideous, dracoid with leathery wings, sharp claws, long pointed beak from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
marax: [The Maracot Deep by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle] 75-centimeter long crayfish
matouchi: [Mémoires De Sir George Wallop by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis] deer from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
medusa: [The Sign of the Mute Medusa by Ian Wallace] endangered azure aerial lifeform from Turquoise (Gannet IV)
meercan: steed from Areta (beta Circini III)
megalon: [“Godzilla vs. Megalon” by Jun Fukuda and Shinichi Sekizawa] 120-meter tall biped with head and blotchy-yellow wings of beetle, 2 think mandibles, short spiked tail, plates, conical spinning “arms”, large red side-viewing eyes, antennae, horn with startip that shoots destructive ray, able to spit fireballs
megatherium: giant Pleistocene sloth (see mylodon)
mellitus; [“Wolf in the Field” by Robert Bloch] gaseous when in motion, solid when still from alpha Majoris I
menigirri: [Fortune's Light by Michael Jan Friedman] plump, cobalt-colored sauroid with pleasant scent
metallovore: [Space Family Robinson: Lost in Space series] 12-meter long beetle-like creature with metallic scales, long smooth neck, 6 stocky legs (hindlegs thiner), rat-like tail, red eyes, on plant Altair, vulnerable to rust
miam: [Book of Dreams by Jack Vance] fly-like insectoid noted for musk from McVann's star system
mogo: [“Dropids” series] large, black-furred creature with undulating worm-like body and camel-like head from Roon, Jedi galaxy
mogwik: [“Bless the Beasts” by Karen Haber] purple quadruped with many eyes from Sardal, Delta quadrant
moldorm: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] giant worm from Hyrule
monkey-cat: [“Day of Burning” by Poul Anderson] grey, arboreal creature with high-pitched trilling hiss
monolith monster” [“The Monolith Monsters” by Robert M. Fesco and Jack Arnold] 4.5-meter tall black obelisk-like silicon-based lifeform that reproduces by falling and shattering, feeds on water and sand, turns living things into sandstone, growth stunted by salt
monster men: [“The Monster Men” by Edgar Rice Burroughs] monsters created by Prof. Maxon, #1 -- mountain of deformed ashen flesh with white hair, pink mismatched eyes, a gaping hole for a nose, twisted mouth, long mismatched arms and legs, large flat feet; #3 -- somewhat more humanoid with long black hair
monster of Disaster: [The Adventures of the Fly] multi-armed giant batrachian
moorvleerno: [Mushroom Planet series by Eleanor Cameron] small flying dragon from Basidium
morrt: [Star Wars Sourcebook by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith] loyal, friendly, cuddly, mouse-sized blood-sucking parasite from planet Gamorr, Jedi galaxy, considered status symbol by Gamorreans (20 for warlords)
Mosura: [“Mothra” by Shinichi Sekizawa] 60-meter long caterpillar that can shoot incredibly strong and sticky webbing that grows into moth-like insectoid with 120-meter wingspan from Infant Island
mouth: [The Face of the Waters by Robert Silverberg] predator from waterworld Hydros
mudmen: [“Droids” series] semi-solid anthropoid from Roon that tickle victims and then take their shiny objects packrat-like
mugato: [“A Private Little War” by Gene Roddenberry] 2-meter, 440-kilogram white-furred bipedal pongoid with dorsal spines and cranial horn, poisonous bite (treatable with mako root assisted blood transfusion)
Mull: [“Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster” by George Garrett] 1.8-meter humanoid guard-slave with long dark hair, 3-clawed hands, pointy ears, stone-like flesh, large eyes, double-slit nose, fangs
![]() muskfox: [muskox + fox] caninoid with broad, flat curved horns, upright ears, pointed snout, long shaggy, musky hair and long bushy tail
muskrattler: [muskrat + rattler] large brown-furred aquatic rodentoid with musk glands and rattle on tail
mušhuššu: [Babylonian] fire-red horned dragon with lion forefeet, eagle hindfeet, scorpion stinger tail (Revelation 12:3)
mya: [The Chase” by Terry Nation] man-eating cephalopedan with short eyestalks from Aridius
mylodon: giant Pleistocene sloth (see megatherium)
mynock: [Star Wars Sourcebook by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith, The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut] 1.6-meter chiropteran silicon-based energy parasite with black leathery wings (wingspan 1.25 meters), armored skull, fangs, able to attach to spaceship with suckers, reproduce by splitting, from Jedi galaxy
n'aal: [Kane's world series by Michael Moorcock as Edward Powys Bradbury] giant snake-like creature
Na'ka'leen feeder: [“Grail” by Christy Marx] triped that feeds on brainwaves (preferably older ones), moving very fast during attack, discovered by Centauri on Na'ka'leen
nane: [The Closed Worlds by Edmond Hamilton] anthropoid with large, softly glowing eyes, no nose, small mouth, white skin, flexible (because boneless)
nargah: [Legacy by Michael Jan Friedman] egg-layer of Merkaans
narlzak: [“Return to Karn” by Bill Motz] large mealworm-like burrower from Karn
narwalrus: [narwhal + walrus] 4-flippered amphibian with long spirally twisted tusk, tough, wrinkled skin and bushy, drooping mustache
nashtah: [Han Solo's Revenge by Brian Daley] 6-legged, bloodthirsty, green, sleek-sinned sauroid with triple row of teeth, diamond-hard claws, long barbed tail from Dra III, Jedi galaxy
nat: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen trading cards] spacefaring pterodon-like creature from planet Ex
nebek: hairy tyger-like felinoid
nei'rrh: [The Romulan Way by Diane Duane and Peter Morwood] poisonous hummingbird-like ornithoid from 128 Trianguli system
nek: [Star Wars: Dark Empire series by Tom Veritch and Cam Kennedy] caninoid from Cyborrean system with 3-clawed feet, sold on black market
nerf: [Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut] domesticated herbivore breed for meat and pelts from Jedi galaxy
nerve runner: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom] dangerous ground dweller from Pandora
nesset: [“Sacred Ground” by Lisa Klink] venomous 3-fanged serpentinoid
neurovore: [The Wine of Violence by James Morrow] savage, desert-dwelling brain-eater from Carlotta, Malnovian belt, UW Canis Majoris system
New Texan cattle: [A Planet for Texans” by H. Beam Piper and J. McGuire] 15-tonne, 1.2-meter tall bovinoid from New Texas
nicor: [“Queen of Air and Darkness” by Poul Anderson] creature like both elephant and ent, “elephent” from Roland
Nidhoggr: [“corpse-tearer”] dragon near Lower Niflheim
night beast: [“Star Wars” series by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson] bipedal, clawed sauroid with flat skull from Yavin IV, Jedi galaxy used as guard by Massassi
nightcrawler: [“Star Wars IV: A New Hope” by George Lucas] small, nocturnal insectoid from Tatooine, Jedi galaxy
night howler: [The Stars Are Ours by Andre Norton] moth-eating monkeys with huge eyes from Astra (Deutero-Sol II)
nightlizard: [Ghost-Walker by Barabara Hambly] nocturnal sauroid from Midgwis (Elcidar Beta III)
night-walker: [“Exploration Team” by Murray Leinster] troublesome creature from Loren II
nink: [The Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss] yellow, hairy, large-snouted creature found in sink
nonny: songbird that flies perpendicularly -- “All day she chirps her joysome odes and if she goes too far explodes.”
noshingra: [“The Peacefulness of Vivyan” by James Tiptree, Jr.] bimorphic shellfish aka come-and-go animal
nunk: [Nick and the Glimmung by Philip K. Dick] creature from Plowman's planet
nutch: [On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss] hitch-dweller
octopuss: [octopus + puss] 8-legged felinoid
octorok: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] red or blue land octopoid able to spit rocks
octosak: [“Flash Gordon” series] reptilian octopus from Mongo
odontotyrannus: [Alexander romance] 3-horned monster
oel: [Big Planet by Jack Vance] swamp-dwelling, 2.1-meter biped with narrow head, 4 horns, low-ing black dorsal carapace, 12 folding clawed arms, able to be trained to dance the mazurka
ogreon: [The First Kingdom by Jack Katz] 6-meter tall, horned, devil-faced bipedal man-eater
omnivore: [Omnivore by Piers Anthony] most ferocious of the 1-eyed, 1-legged animals from Nacre
ondryx: [Exiles by Howard Weinstein] herd animal with spindly legs, shoulder humps, complex forward-extending antlers, trunk from Kejor VI
ook: [Alien Secrets by Annette Curtis Klause] pet from Shoon (aka Aurora, tau Ceti II)
oomfer: [Warrior of Llarn, Theif of Llarn by Gardner F. Fox] giant ornithoid steed from Llarn
oph: large horned serpent whose blade-ridged spine slashes
ophiacodon: low, 3.7-meter sauroid with long hindlegs, large toothed jaw
opinicus: creature with serpent's body, lion's legs, long bill, pointy ears, eagle's wings, camel's tail
orangopoid: [orangutan + anthropoid, Flash Gordon series] horned long-armed anthropoid from Mongo
orc: [Dragons, Unicorns and Other Magical Beasts by Robin Palmer] man-eating sea creature with inpenetratable scales, tusks; [Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien] also goblin-like land orc
orcat: [orca + cat] large black and white amphibious predatory felinoid
oreodon: Oligocene herding ruminant
org: [“This Moment of the Storm”, contraction from “organism-with-a-long-name-I-can't-remember”] 3-meter long, segmented body, wide head, traffic-signed eyes, pale little legs, razor-sharp teeth from Tierra del Cygnus, Cygnus
Orion parasite: “Operation: Annihilate” by Steven W. Carabatsos] gelatinous, colorless, football-sized amorph gestalt that drives host mad with pain, destroyed Aldebaran Magnus V, Ingraham B and Deneva
ork: [The Sword of Lankor by Howard L. Cory] 3-headed ornithoid
orluck: [Barzoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] yellow-and-black striped elephantine beast from Barzoom
ornad: [Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia] 9-meter long jungle-dwelling 16-legged, green and yellow, caterpillar with long head with long floppy ears, teeth worse than tail stinger, able to shoot webbing, lives in oval nest
ornithoid: bird-like animal, see Arkarian water fowl, Banerian hawk, bibbling, cowl, daymare, duplgoose, firebird, giant claw, grelbon, Gunji jackdaw, haha, handbird, hlai, kroyie, lantern bird, nei'rrh, ork, owltiger, parrotter, seagle, tarn, vulturchin
orthopoi: [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] small, 3-toed equine from Pellucidar
osc: little, gentle creature that swims on river's surface during day, feeding on “fluff and water-weed which other creatures do not need”, hangs bat-like at night
oucher-poucher: [National Geographic Picture Atlas of Our Universe by Michael Whelan] metallophagous lifeform from Venus that moves by inflating pouch-like hydrogen sac and making bouncing landings
owltiger: [“The Hunting” by Doris Beetem] owl-like ornithoid with ears and beak-like fangs
owriss: [“Ewoks” series] large, harmless amorph from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
p'eng-niao: [Chinese] huge bird
pacd;[Les Adventures de Jaques Sadeur by Gabriel Foigny] gregarious songbird from Terre Australe
pacer: [The Anoma by Jack Vance] draft animal from Durdane descended from bullocks
pachycephalosaur: [“boneheaded lizard”] 4.6-meter bipedal sauroid with thick knobby skull
packrattler: [pack rat + rattler] snake-like “borrowing” burrower with rattle on tail
paleosaur: [“The Giant Behemoth” by Robert Abel and Allen Adler] 1.2-meter tall, 1.8-meter long, long-necked quadrupedal reptilian amphibian
paraceratherium: [aka “baluchiterium”] 5.5-meter at shoulder long-legged rhinoceros with longish neck, no horn
parrotter: [parrot + otter] aquatic ornithoid with hooked bill, webbed feet, dense, dark brown fur-like feathers and secreting a decay accelerant
Party Beach monster: [“The Horror of Party Beach” by Richard L. Hilliard] mutant sea creature combined with human corpse in form of blood-thirsty humanoid with large scales, claws, dorsal fin, spiny-ray ears, bursts into flame with contact with sodium
PBO: [Planetary Bacteria Organism, Introduction a la Nouvelle Bacteriologie by Dr. Sorin Sonea and Dr. Maurice Panisset] intelligent, but non-sentient super-organism able to resist antibiotics
![]() pechavy: [Big Planet by Jack Vance] sluggish, yellow-furred sheep-sized animal from the Big Planet
pegasus: [Greek] winged horse
pelgrane: [Rhialto by Jack Vance] subdyvolt with white fangs, clawed hands, black horn, hard leathery gargoyle-like body, great hatchet-like beak, leering eyes but without speech
penguinsect: [penguin + insect]
pepperfish: [Blue World by Jack Vance] ichthoid from the Blue World
pfph: [Star Rangers by Andre Norton] beast of burden from Falthar
pfugux: [Ghost-Walker by Barbara Hambly] herding animal from Midgwis (Elcidar Beta III)
phog: [“Phog” by Poul Anderson] scummy, stinking, deadly gaseous creature from Phoebus system
phoenix: [Greek] bird with yellow neck, red-purple body, blue-with-rose tail, large plume that hatches egg by self-cremation, see benu, fêng-huang
phorusrhacos: 2-meter tall eagle-beaked creature
photh: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] scarlet vampire bat
picdar: [La Découverte de L'Empire de Cantahar by De Varennes de Mondasse] green, bear-sized, creature with white spots, leopard-like head, hunted though dangerous from Cantahar Island
pifflosaur: [Dr. Doolittle and the Secret Lake by Hugh Lofting, piffle + -saur] large, long-necked, herbivorous, long-tailed, short-legged dinosaur from No-Man's-Land
pigator: [pig + alligator] aquatic carnivorous sauroid with cloven hooves and cartilaginous snout
pigoose: [pig + goose] griffinoid with longish neck, short, pointed beak and cloven hooves
pililli: [Mémoires De Sir George Wallop by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis] blue and red dove from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
plantimal: [Blackhawk series] 21-meter long plant-like creature with mossy body, 4 thin legs, 3-toed feet, frog-like head, 6 tentacles with twin end-tendrils
platybelodon: [“shovel-tusk”] elephant-ancestor with broad blade-like lower teeth
plicha: [Mémoires De Sir George Wallop by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis] friendly nightingale from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
poa: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] 30-meter long river-dragon with translucent flesh from Lemuria
poëbrotherium: Oligocene camel ancestor
pok: [Once Burned by Peter David] large, hairy steed used by Danteri
polarcat: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen trading cards] of polar caps from planet Ex
polutan: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] short, cute biped with dark mournful eyes, ornate feathery crown of Parramat archepelago, Senisran
pongoid: ape-like animal, see apt, corgodrill, dahara, gorillasaur, gundark, Ximbo ape
poochie: [“Lair of the Grimalkin” by G. H. Irwin] feathered serpent
poro: [“The Pathways of Desire” by Ursula K. LeGuin] food animal from Yirdo
porcinoid: pig-like animal, see basto, blope, frankenswine, horswine, targ
poro: [“The Pathways of Desire” by Ursula K. LeGuin] creature that looks like fanged hotdog from Yirdo
porpuss: [porpoise + puss] small cetacean with catfish whisker-like barbels
poulp: [Vingt Mille Liéues Sous les Mers by Jules Verne] 7-meter long cuttlefish-like cephalopoid with 8 suckered tentacles, large green eyes, parrot-like beak
power-cat: [“Friday's Child” by D. C. Fontana] brick-red, brown bear-sized felinoid with golden eyes, short tail, brown back spines, fast as cheetah, able to throw a 200-volt charge 6 meters, from Kohath (Capella IV), alpha Auriga system
praxa: [The Maracot Deep by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle] partially organic, partially gaseous greenish cloud with luminous core that eats eyes
printer: [Nick and the Glimmung by Philip K. Dick] creature from Plowman's planet sought by the invisible Glimmung
pronghorn moose: [“Unification” by Rick Berman and Michael Pillar] moose-like ruminant with pronged horns, noted for loud, horrible call from Bardakia
pushmi-pullyu: [The Story of Dr. Doolittle by Hugh Lofting] shy, tailless, two-headed creature like both gazelle and chamois
pterosaur: flying dinosaur
pudamef: [The Queen of Zamba by L. Sprague de Camp] 6-legged reptilian adapted to cold from Krishna, tau Ceti system (see shan)
pyralli: [aka pyrotocone, Inventorum Natura by Pliny the Elder] dracoid with insectoidal wings that lives in and feeds on fire from Pyrallis Island
pyropod: [The Reefs of Space by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson] agressive squid-like omnivore from the Reefs of Space
quadrumanous: [Space Family Robinson: Lost is Space series] 2.4-meter tall pongoid with one eye, large mouth, shaggy brown hair, 3-toed feet and 4 arms from Alpha 34
radiovore: [“Just Deserts” by Michael Jan Friedman] radiation-eating creature that visited Utalabria
Radon: [(pte)ra(no)don, aka Rodan] 100-tonne dracoid with 150-meter wingspan, chest spikes, able to fly at supersonic speeds, feeds on 6-meter long insects
![]() rainbird: [Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick] lowtide form of dimorph from Miranda, Prospero system whose hightide form is the sparrowfish
rakazzak:[“Ewoks” series] 3-meter tall arachnoid steed from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
rammerhorn: [The Face of the Waters by Robert Silverberg] top predator -- with drakken -- from the waterworld Hydros
rancor: [Star War VI: Return of the Jedi by James Kahn] 5-meter tall carnivorous biped sauroid with long arms, long fangs, long and sharp claws
rastipod: [“Progress” by Peter Allan Fields] carnivorous variety not as graceful as herbivorous from Bajor
rath: [Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll] green porcinoid
razorbeast: [“Rascals” by Ward Botsford, Diana Dru Botsford and Michael Pillar , “Imaginary Friend” by Jean Louise Matthias, Ronald Wilkerson and Richard Filegel] huge, brown-furred creature with large spiny wings noted for jumping from Tarkass
Rectyne monopod: [“The Icarus Factor” by David Assael] 2-tonne
red eel: [The Maracot Deep by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle] poisonous eel
remorae: [Dreadnaught] suckerfish-like from Proxima (beta Centauri) system
reptilicus: [Reptilicus by Dean Owen] 30-meter long, snake-like creature with armored plates, 2 vestigial hands, wings, able to spit green poison
revavuaa: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] purple ichthoid with feathery gill from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
rhadari: [Kane's world series by Michael Moorcock as Edward Powys Bradbury] 1.8-meter tall, 3.6-meter long carnivore with wide toothy mouth, claws, viscous crystalline “flesh”
rheti: [Kane's world series by Michael Moorcock as Edward Powys Bradbury] rodentoid the size of a half-grown elephant
rhedosaur: ["The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms"] 15-meter tall quadrupedal amphibian with toxic blood
rhinokey: [Wuz series by Douglas Hutchison] animal both rhinoceras-like and monkey-like
riding croc: ["The Blue Giraffe" by L. Sprague de Camp] mutant long-legged crocodile
ritoodolorum: [First Lensman by E. E. Smith] ferocious 6-legged tiger-like felinoid from Aldebaran (alpha Tauri) II
roadkill: ["Uncharted Territory" by Connie Willis] extraordinarily sedentary animal from Boohte
robinsect: [robin + insect] large beaked, red-breasted insectoid
rodentoid: rodent-like animal, casteroid, gnar, hive-rat, horeb, muskrattler, rheti, ulsio, wooker
ropesnake: [Starman Jones by Robert Heinlein] from Charity
rork: [Rork! by Avram Davidson] monstrous, elusive feeder on valuable redwing plant
rugfish: [Big World by Jack Vance] ichthoid whose skin is used for sandal leather
rukh: [1001 Arabian Nights] huge bird with 2 horns, 4 back humps, feeds elephants to its young
ruvf: [“The Altar of Redemption” by Anne Laurie Logan] roaring felininoid(?) of the jauneans
rycrit: [Star Wars Sourcebook by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith] bovine from Ryloth, Jedi galaxy
rykor: [Barzoom series by EdgarRice Burroughs] humanoid but without head, used as steed by Kaldane from Bazoom
ryu: [Japanese] triphibious dragon
ryth: [Tanar of Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs] Amiocap Island cave bear
sagsâr: [Mahâbhârata] 8-legged deer-like mountain-dweller
sailor: [“The Winged Dreamers” by Jennifer Guttridge] furry brown sausage with bright amber eyes, flat furry face, 3-clawed toe per foot from Durban's world
sand bat: ["The Empath" by Joyce Muskat] Manark IV predator that appears as inanimate rock crystals until it attacks
sand sloth: ["Droids" series] rhino-like, muskox-like beast of burden from Annoo, Jedi galaxy
sardula: [Hindi] horned leonine
sark: ["Pen Pals" by Melinda M. Snodgrass] Klingon steed from Qonos
sarlacc: [“Return of the Jedi” by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas] undersand dwelling 30-meter carnivore with many feeding tentacles around it 2.4-meter mouth
sauroid: lizard-like animal, see alligoator, bandersnatch, baragon, dirosaur, dogator, gatortoise, Gojira, gorgosaur, grakka, gryf, Guilala, knife-kite, lagardo, lossine, menigirri, nashtah, nightlizard, ophiacodon, pigator, rancor, sea lizard, scarpia, slik't, sphexe, tove, woodwoose
scargan: [Warrior of Llarn, Theif of Llarn by Gardner F. Fox] sharp-clawed, half-tonne furry, white spheroid
scarpia: [King David's Spaceship by Jerry Pourelle] deadly warm-blooded scorpion-like sauroid from Makassar
scizzorback: [“The Hunting” by Doris Beetem] lithe, brown herd animal from Rheingeld
scotura: [“Knives” by Lawrence G. DiTillio] Centauri “silent beast”
scramaloupe: [Space Trap by Monica Hughes] rare mammoth-like animal with red and grey stripes from Nakhan
screer: [“The Book of Ptath” by A. E. Van Vogt] voracious 2.4-meter bird with 4.8-meter wingspan used as both steed and weapon from Gonwonlane
scylla: [Windhaven by George R. R. Martin] predatory sea creature from Windhaven
seagle: [sea gull + eagle] coastal orinthoid with long wings, webbed feet, hooked beak and sharp eyesight
sea lizard: [“Deja Q” by Richard Danus] sauroid from Markoff
seaweed shark: {“Simpsons” series] rare vegetarian shark that eats seaweed
seedis: [“Belly of the Beast”] “mythical” planet-eater said to return to Savion every 6270 years
Seesar: [“Godzilla vs. the Cosmic Monster” by Jun Fukuda] 120-meter humanoid with long golden fur on head, shoulders and sides, but otherwise blue-scaled, with floppy elephantine ears, blue-tipped forehead horn, red eyes able to shoot destructive beams
sehlat: [“Yesterday” by Dorothy Fontana] pointy-eared, fanged pig-snouted beast like both bear and bison
seja: [Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah] herd animal from Elysia
senmurv: [Persian] monstrous bird
Serpent: [“Star Wars” series by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson] 14-meter mottled serpent controlled via ultrasonics by the Serpent Masters to enslave, among others, Tanith Shire's world, Jedi galaxy
shai-hulud: [Dune by Frank Herbert] aka sandworm, 400-meter long, 100-meter wide silvery-gray worm-like undersand dweller with thousands of carbo-silica teeth from Arrakis (Canopus or alpha Carinae III)
shan: [The Queen of Zamba by L. Sprague de Camp] 6-legged reptilian from Krishna, tau Ceti system (see pudamef)
shantak: [“The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft] nightmarish bird from Inquanok
sharkon: [“Flash Gordon” series] shark-ichthoid with long, barbed tail, narwhal-like horn, large flippers from Mongo
shasos: [“Frog in the Mountains” by R. A. Lafferty] eagle-condor hunter in the mountains from Paravata
sheefla: [Ghost-Walker by Barbara Hambly] small, quick predator from Midgwis (Elcidar Beta III)
shelath: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] stinger that nests in yollow-brown vines from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
shellmouth: [The Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson] 50-centimeter clam-faced, humpbacked sea creature with 6 short tentacles (2 for feeding), double-pupilled eyes
sheot: [The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues by Harry Harrison] ruminant like tusked sheep or goat, large enough to ride from Liokukae
shockwraith: [A Door into Ocean by Joan Slonczewsky] noted for sinew which is used along the starworms by Sharer wormrunners to secure rafts from Shora the Ocean Moon of Valedon
shrowk: [A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay] many-legged with serpentine body, spiked head, bat-like wings from Tormance, Arcturus system
shuttlewren: [“Uncharted Territory” by Connie Willis] perverse animal from Boohte
shynph: [“Oomphel in the Sky” by H. Beam Piper] arrowhead-horned jumper from Gettler system
sificligh: [“In the Walls of Eryx” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling] wriggling maggot-like insectoid
silian: [Barzoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] slimy sea serpent from Barzoom
silicate: [“Island of Terror” by EdwardAndrew Mann and Allan Ramsen] chitinous oblong mound with starfish-like base, thick grabbing tentacles, feeding on bones via microscopic punctures
simurgh: [Persian, aka anqä] huge bird
sinek: [“Frog on the Mountain” by R. A. Lafferty] cat-lion game animal from Paravata mountains
sinha: [“shadow Lord” by Laurence Yep] sabre-toothed white “samari panther” from Angira
sith: [Barzoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] Hereford-sized hornet-like insectoid with poisonous stinger from Barzoom
sithar: [Yesterday's Son by A. C. Crispin] creature like both lion and muskox from Sarpeidon, beta Niobe system
skarat: [The Dirdir by Jack Vance] large, quick black insectoid that exhales foul odor, yet is nevertheless used in recipes of the Carabas
skeep: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] river animal from Hraggellon (Duruos II)
skoffin: [Icelandic] vixen-like felinoid with deadly basilisk-like stare
skorah: [“In the Walls from Eryx” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling] carnivore
skytoad: Tierra del Cygnus, 72 Cygni system
slashback: [Uhura's Song by Janet Kagon] sabretooth tiger-like felinoid from Sivao
sleen: [Gor series by John F. Lange, Jr., as John Norman] tireless, savage 6-clawed creature used to track runaway slaves
slik't: [Double, Double by Michael Jan Friedman] sauroid from T'Nufo nr. Romulan Empire
slimebug: [“Shadow Lord” by Laurence Yep] slimy insectoid from Angira
slime devil: [“The Trouble with Tribbles” by David Gerrold, The World of the Federation by Shane Johnson] 1.2-meter carnivorous amphibian with 7 horns, 4 segmented limbs, large splayed toes, large blow hole
slime worm: [Gor series by John F. Lange, Jr., as John Norman] long, eyeless worm-like scavenger companion to the Golden Beetle
slitch: [“Eyes” by Lawrence G. DiTillio] animal native to planet Orion
slith: [Star Rangers by Andre Norton] dangerous cave beast from Falthar
slithis: [“Spawn of the Slithis” by Stephen Traxler] dark green humpbacked predator with large, hairless gumdrop-shaped head, webbed claws, suckerfish-like mouth, dorsal fin, feeding tentacles
sloord: [The Sword of Lankor by Howard L. Cory] swift, stealthy pack animal from Lankor
slorg: [The Wizard of Lemuria by Lin Carter] pallid-scaled snake with hairless, green-eyed woman's face, rretractable fangs
slugoat: [slug + goast] coastal bimorph with four legs and omnivorous appetite as adult and slow-moving and mollusc-like as larva
slugull: [slug + gull] coastal bimorph with long wings and slightly curved beak as adult and slow-moving and mollusc-like as larva
smur: [The Dirdir by Jack Vance] fearsome, sinuous semi-reptilian from Boundary Wood, Carabas
snape: [Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia] one-eyed, soft and furry jungle-dwelling mutant
snapper: [“The Moment of the Storm”] green feathered reptilian with armored head, 3 horns under 3 eyes, nose-horn, half-meter legs, 3.5-meter tail, long sharp sword-like teeth, able to run as fast as a greyhound, swing tail like a sandbag from Tierra del Cygnus, Cygnus
snarl: [The Barber of Aldebaran by William Moy Russell] exotic lifeform
sneedle: [On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss]
snitterjipe: apple-eater with luminous eyes, tickling whiskers
snork: [Moumeikko ja pyrstötähti by Tove Jansson] small, soft-furred, blue-eyed, short-snouted, short-tailed hibernating biped able to change color with emotions
snow dragon: [“Flash Gordon” series] bear-like dracoid with long neck, beaver-like tail, serpentine head from Mongo
snow ghost: [Motie series by Larry Niven] rare, furry cobra-like serpentinoid from Maxroy's Purchase
snyke: 40-legged with harsh wiry hair from Jam-Kaïk's jungle
sofor: [Arthur Porges] animal with very powerful malordorous defense from Tartaglia
somouga: [Histoire des Sevarambes by Denis Veiras] white-furred bear from Australe
songomby: [Madagascar] monstrous wild equine
space-cow: [“Country Doctor” by William Morrison] 90-meter 6-eyed, red amorph with 9-meter mouth, tadpole-like young from Ganymede
spaceling: [The Reefs of Space by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson] seal-like with jet-less propulsion
space slug: “Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut] 900-meter silicon-based, worm-like asteroid-dweller that reproduces by splitting
spahlen-tier: [Basle] dracoid
sparrowfish: [Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick] hightide form of dimorph from Miranda, Prospero system whose lowtide form is rainbird
spectrox bat: [“Caves of Androzani” by Robert Holme] cheropteroid from Androzani Minor, Sirius system, source of spectrox, the life extending drug, its milk is only known antidote to raw guano poisoning
spheroid: sphere-like animal, see ball creature, beer belly, tribble
sphexe: [“Exploration Team” by Murray Leinster] huge inimical sauroid from Loren II
spiddle: [Nick and Glimmung by Philip K. Dick] creature from Plowman's planet
spieltier: [“The Lady Who Sailed the Soul” by Cordwainer Smith] shapeshifting pet
Spigas: [“Son of Godzilla”] 1.2-meter tall arachnoid with poisonous spear-like tongue, able to spin white webbing very fast
splacknuck: [Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver] graceful, elegant human-sized mammal
spoo: [“Midnight on the Firing Line”, “The Geometry of Shadows” by J. Michael Straczynski] food animal from Narn
spurgeon: [Blue World by Jack Vance] fearless creature from the Blue World
squirlon: [“Flash Gordon” series] flying squirrel-like creature with madness-inducing bite from Mongo
squonk: ugly creature noted for its weeping cry from Pennsylvanian hemlock forests
ssu ling: [Chinese] generic term for either ch'i-lin, fêng-huang, tortoise or dragon (lung, kiu-lung, yü-lung)
starworm: [A Door into Ocean by Joan Slonczewsky] noted for use with shockwraith sinew by Sharer wormrunners to secure raft from Shora the Ocean Moon of Valedon
steam frog: [Jets*Rockets*Spacemen trading cards] giant, high-temperature adapted batrachian with long-clawed flippers
stegosaur: 9-meter dinosaur with double back plates, 4-spiked tail
stingbat: Tierra del Cygnus, 72 Cygni system
struul: [Galactic Gourmet by James Blish] ichthoid from Corellia
stuff: addictively sweet white amorphous parasite that eats insides out of its eater, can also form tentacles and smother prey
stylax: [“The Gift of Gab” by Jack Vance] food worm for dekabrachs (“deks”)
Styphalian bird: bird with brass beak, wings, talons, able to fire feathers like arrows from Lake Stympalis, Arcadia
![]() subhyrcodon: Oligocene proto-rhinoceros
![]() suhur mas: [Sumerian] “goat-fish” ichthoid
sungwas: [“Droids” series] large wolf-like, weasel-like caninoid from Bodgen bogs, Jedi galaxy
supercow: [A Planet for Texans by H. Beam Piper and John J. McGuire] 12-meter tall, 15-tonne bovine from New Texas (Capella or alpha Aurigae IV)
swift grazer: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom] dangerous ground-dweller from Pandora
swince: [“Seed of Reason” by Daniel Hatch] arboreal woofer from Chamal, imitated by shapeshifting Chamalians
swooper: [The Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson] 4.5-meter long flying predatory planimal from Merari (Phylos II)
swordbird: [The Integral Trees by Larry Niven] dangerous predator from Smoke Ring, LeVoy's star system
sz: [Malayan “sword-ox”] unicorn
t'stayan: [“Suddenly Human” by Ralph Phillips] Talarian steed
tabbee: [tabby + bee] insectoid with tabby-like markings
taho: [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] cave lion domesticated by Tandar Islanders
tandor: [Tanar of Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs] mammoth from Amiocap Island, Pellucidar
tandozare: [Pellucidar series by EdgarRice Burroughs] 3-meter long-necked sirenian with fanged, snake-like head
tannin: many-headed dracoid
tarag: [Tanar of Pellucidar by EdgarRice Burroughs] sabre-tooth tiger from Amiocap Island, tamed by Tandar Islanders
targ: [“Where No One Has Gone Before” by Diane Duane and Michael Reaves] furry porcinoid with forehead-horn and 3 back spikes
targath: [The Goddess of Ganymede and Pursuit on Ganymede by Michael D. Resnick and Donald M. Grant] carnivorous 2.4-meter bird sighted only in radar wavelengths from Thane's moon
targhee: [“The Perfect Mate” by Gary Perconte and Michael Pillar] noted for loud braying
targo: [The Pirates of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs] 8-legged arachnoid with long black hair, yellow spots over eyes, that spins tarel, vulnerable only in small brain from Napier's world
tarlow: {Memoires De Sir George Wallop by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis, Hannah Hewitt by Charles Dibdin] pheasant-sized black and white bird from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
tarn: [Tarnsmen of Gor by John F. Lange, Jr., as John Norman] 2.1-meter ornithoid with 8.5-meter wingspan, fierce curved beak from Gor (black -- nightfling, white -- winter flying, multicolored -- warriors', greenish-brown -- wild)
tatzlwurm: [Germanic] winged, fire-breathing dragon
tauntaun: [Star Trek V: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut] swift, surefooted pack animal and steed with thick gray fur from Hoth, Jedi galaxy
tektite: [The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo] red or blue quadrupedal arachnoid from Hyrule
terakuk: [“Desert Passage”] one-horned goat-like food animal from Teroth desert
teratorn: [“monster-bird”] Pleistocene bird with 3.6-meter wingspan
thaptor; [Callisto series by Lin Carter] wingless, 4-legged orthinoid steed, but unruly like camel
tharban; [Carson Napier series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] hyena-like caninoid, puma-sized with red and yellow stripes running lengthwise from Napier's world
thai: [pl. thraiin, The Romulan Way by Diane Duane and Peter Morwood] wolverine-like creature from 128 Trianguli system
tharg; [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] giant elk from Pellucidar
tharlarion: [Gor series John F. Lange, Jr., as John Norman] sauroid steed used in both swamps and deserts
thidpar: [Pellucidar series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] treacherous pterodactyl from Pellucidar
thoat: [Barzoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] octopodal steed, 3-meters at shoulder, steered telepathically
threadworm: [“Flight on Titan” by Stanley G. Weinbaum] from Nivia colony, Titan
throg: [The Planiverse by A. K. Dewdney] 2-D food animal from Astrians, Planiverse
thylacosmilus: leopard-sized marsupial with retractable sabre-teeth
Tiberian bat: “The Undiscovered Country”] charopteran noted for sticking together
tichorhinus: [La Citadelle des glaces by Paul Alperine] 2-horned rhinoceros ancestor found in salty marshes from Erikraudebyg
tiger-crab: [The Maracot Deep by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle] black and white, Newfoundland dog-sized crustacean with tiger-like stripes
tigerilla: [tiger + gorilla] centaur-like creature with head and arms of gorilla and stripes, legs and tail from tiger
tigrelis: [La Découverte de L'Empire de Cantahar by De Varennes de Mondasse] deer-like equinoid with striped coat and white crest between ears used for drawing carriage from Canthahar
tigron: [“Flash Gordon” series] tiger-like felinoid with large fangs and curved forehead horn from Mongo
tingler: [“The Tingler” by Robb White] centipede-like with 18 legs pinchers, that feeds on fear via spinal cord dissolved by screaming
titanosaur: [“The Terror of Mecha-godzilla” by Yuhiko Takayama] 150-meter tall amphibious biped with long neck, slender horse-like head with duckbill, headfin, fin-like ears, antennae, dorsal fin, long fish-like tail
tlillning: [Mushroom Planet series by Eleanor Cameron] cat-sized, silvery-haired, long-eared equine from Basidium
Tlînian tiger: [A First Encyclopedia of Tlîn, “Tlîn, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” by Jorge Luis Borges] transparent tiger-like felinoid from Tlîn
toe nayo: [Burmese] horse-like unicorn, see licorn
torep: hunting bird from Areta (beta Circini III)
toricle: [“The Substandard Sardines” by Jack Vance] animal from Cordova
tormagon: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] one of animals talked to by Onhla from Starside, Hraggellon (Dunuos II)
tornok: [“Seed of Reason” by Daniel Hatch] swampswimmer from Chamal, imitated by shapeshifting Chamalians
toucanary: [toucan + canary] small ornithoid with brightly grren or yellow-colored plumage, very large beak
tove: [Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll] lithe, slimy badger-like burrowing sauroid also corkscrew-like
tracehound: “The Forsaken” by Jim Trombetta] enthusiastic Wanoni predator
tragor: [The Goddess of Ganymede and Pursuit on Ganymede by Michael . Resnick and Donald M. Grant] giant carnivorous bird from Thane's moon
treel: [“TKO” by Lawrence G. DiTillio] Centauri ichthoid
tribble: [“The Trouble with Tribbles” by David Gerrold] furball born pregnant, troublesome in captivity
trompa: [Game Chambers of Questal by Robert Kern] 3-meter tall, massive, ferocious, deadly, long-armed biped with sharp clawed paws, thick fur, 2 spiral horns from Jedi galaxy
tsak: [“Flash Gordon” series] 2-headed bovine from Mongo
tubetucker: [The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom] dangerous ground-dweller from Pandora
tukah: [“In the Walls of Eryx” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling] flying creature
tulk: [Frostworld and Dreamfire by John Morressy] animal bristling with sharp horns
tumnor: [Star Wars: Dark Empire by Tom Veith and Cam Kennedy] Ixll-eating flying predator from upper atmosphere of Da Soocha and its moons, Jedi galaxy
turby: [Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin] small ichthoid from Serd, Ninety Isles, Inmost Sea, Earthsea noted for its oil
turtodon: [“Flash Gordon” series] huge, fanged chelonoid from Mongo
tytistu: [“Passage” by Joe Haldeman] pale horse-sized egg-laying sauroid herded by colonists from Obelobel
ucha: gazelle-like herd animal from Areta (beta Circini III)
ulsio: [Barzoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] fierce, unlovely Airedale-sized rodentoid
ulth: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] white-furred 3-meter tall ursinoid from Lemuria
uluritei: [The Howling Stones by A. D. Foster] glider from Parramat archepelago, Senisran
unicorndeer: [“The Winged Dreamers” by Jennifer Guttridge] one-horned deer-like ruminant from Durban's world
ursinoid: bear-like animal, see fierson, fox-bear, ulth
urdur: [Monster in the Maze by Jeffrey Lord] 7.5-meter serpent-like creature from dimension X with tyrannosaur-like head, scythe-shaped claws on short powerful legs, armor plating, cold-blooded, bred by Casta the sorcerer
urreep: [The Sword of Lankor by Howard L. Cory] swamp-dwelling carnivore with 2 fiece-jaws heads, bulging eyes, crab-like pinchers, tough leather hide
ursodile: [bear-crocodile, “Flash Gordon” series] amphibian with serpentine torso and head, powerful claws from Mongo
vandar: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] 3-meter long black jungle lion-like felinoid from Lemuria
Varan: [“Varan the Unbelievable” by Shinichi Sekizawa] 90-meter tall amphibian, usually bipedal, with long thick neck, small head, white spiral horns, large arms, thin back shell
vastodon: [Callisto series by Lin Carter] huge boar-elephant from Thantor
vipermine: [viper + ermine] weazel-like predator with black-tipped tail, brown fur, venomous fangs
vitha: [Yesterday's Son by A. C. Crispin] large-chested, shy creature like otter and goat, 2.4 meters when on hind legs from Sarpeidon, beta Niobe system
vlilseena: [Mushroom Planet series by Eleanor Cameron] fungus-like animal from Basidium
volcano mutant: [Hawkman series] 15-meter long dracoid with snake-like body, 4 claws, wings, able to shoot lightning from fingers, exhale fire
vornskr: [Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn] long-legged, nocturnal quadruped with vague-ly dog-like muzzle, sharp teeth, poisonous whip-like tail, semi-tamed by tail-cutting
vouivre: [French Switzerland] one-eyed dragon
vulturchin: [vulture + urchin] carrion-eating ornithoid with hooked beak, clacareous shell coveredin long spikes
vulturmine: [vulture + ermine] weazel-like carrion-eater with black-tipped tail, powerful beak and brown fur except on neck and head
vykar: [Yesterday's Son by A. C. Crispin] horse-like creature with nose-horn and camel-like locomotion from Sarpeidon, beta Niobe system
wampa: [Star Trek V: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut, Prophets of the Dark Side by Paul and Hollace Davids] tundra cave-dwelling, white-furred, 2-meter tall biped with yellow eyes, sharp claws and teeth that capture prey alive for larder from Hoth, Jedi galaxy
wan: [“Conflence” by Brian Aldiss] race tortoise from Myrin
wandrella: [Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster] huge, cream-colored worm-like omnivore with-brown-slashes, eye-spots, sharp black teeth, underside locomotion suckers
water-elephant: [Burmese] elephant as small as a mouse, but strong enough to threaten elephants upon whose brains it feeds
webweaver: [Han Solo and the Lost Legacy by Brian Daley] large, deadly, lower-level arachnoid from Kashyyyk, Jedi galaxy
welcome-homer: [Uhura's Song by Janet Kagon] arboreal throwers from Sivao
wentelteefje: [“curl-up” by M. C. Escher] 6-legged segmented creature able to curl up into wheel
werebot: [“True Names” by Vernor Vinge, Phaze series by Piers Anthony] human-robot bimorph
werje: [Nick and the Glimmung by Philip K. Dick] wrinkled umbrella-like leathery glider with claws and hollow eye sockets from Plowman's planet
Wharton's Swamp monster: [“Slime” by Joseph Payne Brennan] gray-black voracious amorph speed from ocean floor able to move at nightmarish that eats frogs, snakes, mammals, Humans
white hunter: [“Grandpa” by James Schmitz] large, herding shark-like ichthoid from Sutang
widdlefly: [“Protective Mimicry” by Alguis Bulgess] large biting insectoid from Dened (delta Capricornis) XI
wiggle-worm: [“The Chosen People” by Robert Randall] young hugl, not affected by edris powder
wogneer: [“Allegience” by Richard Manning and Hans Beimer] life-form from Ordek nebula
wolf-fish: wolf-headed ichthoid
wompat: [“Chain of Command” by Frank Abatemarco] pet from Cardassia
woodwoose: [“Dear Mom” by Stephen C. Fisher] man-sized blue-black sauroid biped with beak and no arms from La Paz
wooker: [The Cry of the Onlies by Judy Klass] large, furry, rank-smelling arboreal rodentoid with clammy, spongy, clingy toes from Boaco IV
womp rat: [Star Wars IV: A New Hope by George Lucas] vicious, hairy 3-meter long rodentoid that attacks in packs from Tatooine, Jedi galaxy
wraith: [“Queen of Air and Darkness” by Poul Anderson] cell swarm from Roland
wumbus: [On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss] fish from Tibet
xat: [The Sword of Lankor by Howard L. Cory] soft-padding animal from Lankor
Ximbo ape: [“Planet of the Knob-Heads” by Stanton A. Coblentz] “brainless” pongoid
xuth: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] “unthinkably huge” slimy, gelatinous, pain-insensitive worm from Lemuria
yali: [Indian] lion-like felinoid with elephant-like trunk and tusks
yathrib: [Callisto series by lin Carter] fierce tiger-like dracoid with emerald scalesfading to tawny yellow on underside, back spikes, lashing, snake-like tail, bird-like claws from Thanator
yayax: [“Ewoks” series] fierce panther-like felinoid from Endor's moon, Jedi galaxy
yeki: [The Queen of Zamba by L. Sprague de Camp] tiger-sized, 6-legged mink-like animal from Krishna, tau Ceti system
yelk: [Helliconia trilogy by Brian Aldiss, see biyelk] creature from Helliconia, Batalix-Freyr system
yembla: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] large, purple, flying arachnoid from Lemuria
yukari: [“The Yukari Inmprint”] small but very prolific pod-laying shapeshifter that assumes the form of its “mother” the first creature it sees upon hatching
yü-lung: [Chinese] half-fish dracoid
ysalamiri: [Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn] 50-centimeter arboreal salamander-like furry creature with sessile claws that grow into branches, noted for Force-immunity
zabathu: [Pen Pals” by Hannah Louise Shearer] Andorian steed
zah: [“Liline, the Moon Girl” by Edmond Hamilton] low-gee dracoid with black scaly wings with 12-meter wingspan, barrel-shaped body, long neck, turtle-like head, red eyes, short thick legs, webbed feet
zamph: [Thongor series by Lin Carter] yellow-fanged, 3-tonne voracious boar-like porcinoid with forehead horn, boney neck shield from Lemuria
zawyi: [“They Live Forever” by Lloyd Biggle,Jr.] milk animal of the Rualis
zebrhino: [zebra + rhinoceras] rhinoceras-like equinoid with nose horn and zebra stripes
zell: [Callisto series by Lin Carter] variant lajazell, small winged sauroid from Thanator desert
zeton: [The Goddess of Ganymede and Pursuit on Ganymede by Michael D. Resnick and Donald M. Grant] 7.5-meter tall brontosaur-like red-orange creature with 6 forelegs, 2 hindlegs, thin prehensile 6-meter tail from Thane's moon
zhar-ptitza: [Figures of Earth by James Branch Cabell] purple bird with golden neck, red and blue tail from Acaire forest, Poictesme
zhoumy: [“When In the Course” by H. Beam Piper] yak-like ruminant from Freya
zitidar: [Barzoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] large herbivorous beast of burden from Barzoom
zorat: [Carson Napier series by Edgar Rice Burroughs] zebra-like steed with bovine head from Napier's world
zotuane: [Mémoires De Sir George Wallop by Pierre Chevalier Duplessis] fox-like creature from Aprilis, New Britain Islands
zylo: [“11001001” by Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin] egglayer
exerpted from The Xoo Book c 2003
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