Fortean Mysteries SIG                     index.htm
Holmesian Studies SIG
Mythopoeic SIG
  This is the place where you can check when your subscription(s) end(s), correspond with us or other members (or  lapsed members) of the SIGs who have email, just make the SIGs more interactive -- more fun -- than ever.
      name                                           Holmes     mythopoeia                   Fort       Mensa ID                 e-dress                                                  scionym
Jeremiah E. Abbott            30...27                                                         
Martha Thomson Barclay                     50                      81 ...84                        
Shelley L. Blancett                              49 ... 45               
Peter Blau                              0                                                                                                            Frank Open 60:B
Charles R. Connolly                                                    78 ... 76                         
Mark Cowen                                                               77 ... 70                         
Elisabeth  Deffner                                48 ... 44                                         
Colleen  Denaro                                                          77 ... 75                         
Hilda G. Dennis                                   39 ... 23                         100043069                                           Tall Gaunt Woman 53:J
Steve Deyo                                           0                                                     
Michael P.     Duricy     ...                           82...84                  
Danika  Fleck                                       50 ... 47               
Jill Foreman                   29 ... 20                                                                                        Woman of a Frank Nature 60:B
R. J. Francis                   26 ... 23                                                                                       Person Who Is Watching 53:C
Tyger Gilbert                      0                   0                       0                     
Michael Halm                     0                   0                       0     01018789     Friend At Norbury
H. F. Heffner                 29 ... 18                                                                                             Neighbor Over Yonder 55:A
Elvin Jensen                                                                  83 ...                         
Mary H. Kelly                32 ... 20                                                                                            Woman of Open Nature 60:B
Teresa D. Kimberlin                                                       84. ..79                         
Ronald Glenn Korch                                                       78 ... 76   01055308          
Nancy Martsch                                         0               
Phoenix McKinney          27 ... 24                    
Karl Muller                                          48 ... 44                                        
Michael Newton            25 ... 22                                                                                                               Young Man 22:A
William Patterson          26 ... 19                                                    Self-contained Man 33:B
David M. Petras            28 ... 25                    
Robert Ramos              26 ... 23                                     76 ...75                                       Very Restless Gentleman 10:B
H. D. Ranzenhofer        27 ... 23                                                                                                       Finest Boxer 2:B
Matthew Ryan                                       49 ... 44                             100031493          
Sandy Schiller                                                             84 ...82
Shirley Starke                      0                    0                     0              Faithful Woman 145:H
Linda Steinke                                      48 ... 44           74 ... 72         100041731          
Cat Sterrett                           0                    0                     0                     Mrs. Hudson
Brock Swartzle                 25 ... 22                                                                  One Who Throws Reserve to the Wind 33:C
Mimi Tandler                                                             78 ... 76          100007031     
V. Dale Tripp                                                               85 ...                          
Lucille S. Uhlman    25 ...23, 19 ...16                                                 100005899          
Betty Winters                25 ... 20                                                   Her Mother's Pet 145:E
R. B. Wolfe                                                              81 ...79                    
Carol  Zaranec                            50

Norbury Chronicle    4/$3.00
22 ||||| ||||| |          November '99
23 ||||| ||||| ||||| |               June '00   
24 ||||| ||||| ||||| ||                May '01    
25 ||||| ||||| ||||| |||      October '01
26 ||||| ||||| ||||| |              March '02
27 ||||| ||||| |||         September '02

Cauldron           5/$4.00
44 ||||| ||||| ||                 June 1999                 
45 ||||| ||||| |                   April 2000            
46 ||||| ||||| |           October 2000     
47 ||||| ||||| ||        February 2001  
48 ||||| ||||| ||                 June 2001           
49 ||||| ||||| |        November 2001
50 ||||| |||||                      June 2002

Mpossibilities      3/200,000 m¢
72 ||||| ||         October 1999  
73 ||||| ||                  May 2000
74 ||||| ||            August 2000
75 ||||| ||         October 2000
76 ||||| |||||  December 2000       September 1660 AC
77 ||||| ||||              June 2001
78 ||||| |||        October 2001        Januarius 1661 AC
79 ||||| |||                                              Maius 1661 AC
80 ||||| |||               June 2002
81 ||||| ||||          August 2002      Duodecember 1661 AC