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![]() ![]() ![]() "In the beginning was the Word." (John 1:1)
![]() Here are some of the words Joyce coined.
![]() translated by Razilee Purdue
C1978-2003 Hierogamous Enterprises
aagram: [anagram with second letter deleted] (13, 31, 143, 314, 341, 413, 431, etc.) word formed from another by deletion of second letter and transposition -- dream = dame = made = mead
aagram string: string made from aagrams -- dreameadame
aangram: [anagram with second and third letters exchanged] (132, 1324, 4321, 13245, 13254, 43215, 43251, 53214, 53241etc.) anagrams -- satin = stain
abbrhyme: [abbr. + rhyme portmanteau, Willard R. Espy's abbreviated rhyme] synthetic rhyme using abbreviation, e. g., "A Mrs. kr. Mr., then how her Mr. kr. He kr., kr., kr., until he raised a blr."
acrosstic: [across + acrostic] acrostic variation in which nth letter in nth line is significant -- Poe
aeioi: [adj. and sing. aeious, Dmitri A. Borgman's aeiou word] words with all of the 5 vowels, a, e, i, o and u -- dialogue, equation, sequoia
agenarian: [nonagenarian backformation] person under 90 or over 99
agamemnonym: [Edward R. Wolpow's Agamemnon word] word with three or more palindromic trigrams
agmenonym: [Agamemnon backformation + -nym] word transformed into agamemnonym by adding appropriate letter after bigrams to form palindromic trigrams --
aibohphobiac: anchored palindrome like aibohphobiac that has an extra final letter andso is not actually a palindrome
aibohpphobia: fear of palinddromes, double-yolked palindromes
AIQ: [AI + IQ portmanteau acronym] measurement of artificial intelligence as in the results of a Turing test
alindrome: [beheaded palindrome] near-palindrome that lacks initial letter
albanecktross: [albatross around neck wordle] burden
alphabit: [alphabet bit] alphabet transformation rebus -- abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = cut e = cute, abcdefhijkltnopqrstuvwxyz = g out = gout, abcdefghijkltnopqrstuvwxyz = for m a t = format, abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz = no l = noel, abcdfghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz = no s, e = nose, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzy - shift y = shifty
Amish: [Percy Moore Manx + -ish]
anany: [curtailed ananym] describing transdeletion in which word is reversed and final letter deleted -- petal = late
angram: transdeletion with third letter deleted and rest moved
Anx: [beheaded Manx] with initial and terminal lines deleted
apostronym: [Dave Morice's apostrophe word] word that becomes another word with apostrophe deletion, can't, he'll, I'll, she'll, we'll
ard: [beheaded ord with syllabic r-] word that has been doubly beheaded
Ardunian: [beheaded Erdunian with syllabic r-] with first two and last four lines unwritten
arithmonym: number name
armups: [up in arms wordle] aroused to action
arrational: [beheaded irrational with syllabic r-] between rational and irrational
astroillogical: [astrological + illogical portmanteau] demonstrating the
logically extrapolated illogicalness of astrology
astronumby: [numb + astronomy portmanteau] mind-numbing gee-whiz astronomy
autophone: [automobile sound] one of the seven car noises or combinations
grind hiss knock rattle scrape squeak thump
grind griss grock grattle grape greak grump
hiss hind hock hattle hape heak hump
knock knind kniss knattle knape kneak knump
rattle grindle hissle knockle scraple squeakle thumple
scrape scrind scriss scrock scrattle screak scrump
squeak squind squiss squock squattle squape squump
thump thind thiss thock thattle thape theak
rattle grissle grockle grapel greakle grumple
autoshiftgram: word which is its own shiftgram, tanger + 13 = gnatre, emblazonry + 13 = rzoynmbael
backwords: birr (what a bird has done to it, stalked by predators), daught (what daughter does, akin to dote), featherb (what featherbed has done to it, stuff), maie (corn kernel, origin of maize), noth (small hole, pl. nose), oggin (small melon, origin of noggin), toolsh (fill to overflowing as is toolshed), weath (what weather does, change), wellf (fatten for slaughter as are the wellfed)
balweighedance: [weighed in the balance wordle] found wanting
ban ana: [split banana charade wordle]
baseggsket: [eggs in one basket wordle] overdependance
bazillion: [Mayan ba- (400) + zillion, see merology] 15999879000 or 639951600000 or 4083477338000 or 1402332030690000
bebious: ["I b(elieve) e(veryone) b(elieves) i(t)."] believing that all others believe
bebushat: [beat around the bush wordle] delay
beggeer: [egg in beer] out-of-place object
belbatsfry: [bats in belfry wordle]
b-est: [extrapolated from Aronson numbers] number described in Latin statement, "B est prima littera in hic sententiam, non seconda, etc. ."
bi-inary: refering to number system based on 2i
bibious: ["B(elieve) I b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym] believing that another should believe that you believe
bidbious: {"B(elieve) I d(on't) b(elieve) i(t)."] believing that another should believe that you do not believe
bidious: ["B(elieve) I d(isbelieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym] believing that another should believe that you disbelieve
bious: ["B(elieve) i(t!)"] believing that another should believe
blorunsod: [runs in the blood] genetically inherited
blueoncemoon: [once in a bluemoon wordle] rarely
bofeelnes: [feel in bones wordle] feel deeply
bonnbet: [b(ee) in bonnet wordle} angry
bosbandton: [banned in Boston wordle] obscene by local standards
boustrophedonym: word divisible into two letter sequences one alphabetical, one zyxical
bradoubless: [double in brass wordle]
bryo: [post-em bryo, Dmitri Bergmann's last-half word] word with only letters between n and z -- nonsupport, not, or, poppy, two, zoo
bubious: ["B(elieve yo)u b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym] believing that another should believe that they believe
buckdropet: [drop in bucket wordle] something seemingly negligable
budbious: {"B(elieve yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym] believing that another should believe that they do not believe
cafeatherp: [feather in cap wordle] something to be proud of
candonym: [can do word] n-letter word like can which can be transformed into another word by adding pairs of letters' values (3, 1, 14) to get those for an (n - 1)-letter word, like do (4, 15)
cardevilnate: [devil incarnate wordle] very evil person
cawithhoots: [in cahoots with wordle] co-conspirator of
chicle: [Spoonerized cliche] e. g., tacitest (from acid test
chetongueek: [tongue in cheek wordle] not seriously
chinabullshop: [bull in china shop wordle] very accidentally destructive
Chiteana: [tea in China wordle] something very valuable
ciscendentals: [trans-: cis-::transcendental:?] surreal numbers derived by nversion from real numbers, below transcendentals
circtalkles: [talk in circles wordle] obfuscate
citoi: [see eye to eye wordle] mutually agree
cloheaduds: [head in clouds wordle] out-of-touch with reality
clolivever: [live in clover wordle] live happily ever after
closkeletonset: [skeleton in closet wordle] still hidden scandal
coutold: [out in cold wordle] miserable and alone
Crep: [Percy Perc] reversed, curtailed and then reversed again
Crewesque: [Crewe + -esque] poem variation with last 3 lines missing -- There was a young lady of Crewe Whose limericks stopped at line two. She was not done, after line one, but one more's all she could do.
debious: ["D(oesn't) e(veryone) b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that another should believe that all others believe
decinary: refering to number system based on 10i
defriended: [friend in deed, friend indeed wordle] true friend
d'heuesque: [Mots d'heues + -esque] Anglo-French macaronic
DENEAT: [Michael Ecker] operation that transforms number by counting its “digits, even, not even and total”, yielding 123 in a finite number of steps -- googol = G(2, 100, 10) = 1001101 = 437 = 123, googolplex = G(2, 100, G(3, 2, 10)) = G(2, 201, 10) + G(2, 101, 10) + G(2, 100, 10) + 1 = 1974201 = 347 = 123
dibious: ["D(on't) I b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that another should disbelieve that you believe
didbious: {"D(isbelieve) I d(on't) b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that another should disbelieve that you do not believe
didious: ["D(on't) I d(isbelieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that you disbelieve
dious: ["D(isbelieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that another should disbelieve
disblessingguise: [blessing in disguise wordle] unrecognized blessing
dothepe: [the inside dope wordle] insider information
dropalme: [pal-in-drome wordle] palindromic wordle
dudbious: {"D(isbelieve yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that another should disbelieve that they do not believe
dudious: {"D(on't yo)u d(isbelieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing that another should not disbelieve
duidecimal: [Dewey decimal, duodecimal pun] refering to complex number system based on 12i
dudownumps: [down in the dumps wordle] depressed
Dunian: [Erdunian ard] with first three and last four lines unwritten
dyzzy: [dyz, dizzy answer to the analogy, abc:abd::xyz:?] “although insightful, so implausible and simple-minded as to invoke laughter” [Douglas Hostadter]
Ebban: [Abbess Ebba, patron saint of palindromes] palindromic
ecnalg: [backward glance wordle] short look behind
efregehefre: [ABCD:EFGH::abracadabra:?] magic (nonsense) word like abracadabra
eheadment: [beheaded beheadment] double beheadment -- brat, rat, at
eighty-eights: 8[G(2, 80, 10)/9]
elemenym: [elemental + -nym] word transformable into another word by substitution of element name for symbol or vice versa -- aged = silvered, fey = irony, hate = hydrogenate, nous = nitrogenous, Oates = oxygenates, set = sulfuret, sic = sulfuric, size = sulfurize
elementary: word with element letters -- B, C, F, H, I, K, N, O, P, S, U, V, W, Y -- boon, chin, Confucius, finch, incubus, nippy, oops, phony, snoopy, soupy, subconscious, succubus, unconscious, vision, who, you
eletion: [beheaded deletion] transformation of word by deleting initial and one other letter -- cache = ace
ellogical: [beheaded "illogical" with syllabic l-] between logical and illogical
ellusionist: [beheaded illusionist with syllabic l-] between an illusionist and a lusionist
emaginary: [beheaded imaginary with syllablic m-] not quite 100% nonce words
emmaterial: [beheaded immaterial with syllabic m-] between material and immaterial
endend: [end to end wordle] completely start to finish
enfinite: [nfinity with syllabic n-] between finite and infinite surreal numbers
Enian: [beheaded Unian with syllabic n-] with first five and last four lines unwritten
enigmoid: puzzle that begins like an enigma but ends with obvious answer -- “What did one carrot say to the other?” “Nothing, because carrots can't talk.”, “ What was Pontius Pilate's great-grandmother's hat maker's name?” “Nobody knows.”
enloopu: [unloop unloop with syllabic n-] form (21, 231, 2341, etc.) anagrams by moving initial letter to tail
enrationals: [phoentically spelled nrationals] nverted unrationals
entelligence: [syllabically spelled ntelligence] between intelligence and telligence
enversion: [beheaded inversion with syllabic n-, 1/x:inversion::1\x:?] mathematical operation symbolized by the backslash that turns a decimal on its point
Epongliposh: opposite of Turkey Irished English,, English with -po- after vowels, aka closed Glopish [Openglopish backformation]
Erdunian: [beheaded Verdunian] with first and last four lines unwritten
Er: [Manx Ero] poem doubly curtailed, reversed and then triply curtailed
Ero: [Manx Eroo] poem doubly curtailed, reversed and then doubly curtailed again
Eroo: [Manx Eroom] poem doubly curtailed, reversed and then curtailed again
Eroom: [Percy Moore] poem doubly curtailed and then reversed
evenym: [even letter word] vowelless word with only the letters, b, d, f, g, j, l, n, p, r, t, v, x, z -- brr, DLXV, grr, nth, phfft, xth, zzzz
exa: [8:mega::20:?] G(2, 20, 2) = 1048576
existron: [mega:exa::megistron:?] G(3, 20,10)
Exna: [Manx with syllabic x-] curtailed, reversed then curtailed again
Exnam: [Percy Manx with syllabic x-] curtailed and then reversed
feminym: [feminine + -nym] M2F (male-to-female) pseudonym -- Crystal Croftangley (Sir Walter Scott), Mrs. Silence Dogoody (Benjamin Franklin), Razilee Mary Purdue (Michael Joseph Halm), Dorothea Julia Ramsbottom (William Makepeace Thackery), Fiona MacLeod (William Sharp)
fericomplexority: [in-feriority complex wordle] inferiority complex
fifatre: [fat in fire] sometime that makes situation more intense, more uncontrollable
fifty-fives: 55,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555,555 = 5[G(2, 50, 10)/9]
filthynym: [tic-tac-toe board word] word with only letters in tic-tac-toe boar, i. e., F, H, I, L, T -- fill, filth, flit, hi, hill, hilt, hit, I, if, iff, ill, it, lift, lit, tilt, tit
fooniferism: [foonerism + kniferism portmanteau] switching of non-clustered final and initial consonants and initial vowel clusters
forkniferism: [forkism + knifism portmanteau] switching both final consonant and vowel clusters
fourty-fours: 4,444,444,444,444,444,444,444,444,444,444,444,444,444 = 4[G(2, 40, 10)/9]
gammagon: [gamma + -gon] polygon formed from gamma-like right angles, including two-gamma square, three-gamma irregular hexagon, four-gamma concave irregular hexagon, five-gamma stellated pentagon
ghotism: [from Bernard Shaw's "ghoti"] antiphonetic spelling -- f = gh, ff, ft, ph, pph, ugh (enough, off, soften, physics, sapphire, laugh), i = ai, e, ee, ei, ia, o, u, ui, y (villain, pretty, been, forfeit, marriage, women, busy, guilt, hymn), sh = ce, chsi, psh, sci, sch, si, ss, ti (ocean, fuchsia, pshaw, conscience, schwa, pension, issue, nation)
giga: {8:mega::11:?] G(2, 11, 2) = 2048
gigillion: [gig(a)- + -illion] G(2, 3000000003, 10)
gigastron: [mega:giga::megistron:?] G(3, 11, 10)
Gilbalmead: [balm in Gilead wordle] panacea
gineer: [pre-en gineer, Dmitri Bergmann's first-half word] word with only letters between before n -- fiddle-faddle, half, like
Glopish, Closed: [Openglopish (Turkey Irish) antonym] secret language formed by adding -po- after vowels, aka Ireland Turkish
gnibbur: [back rubbing wordle] massaging of back
gongorrhea: [Gongorism + gonorrhea] chronic obscurancy
googology: [googol + -ology] branch of mathematics dealing with googols, googolplexs and related numbers
grafootve: [one foot in grave] nearly dead
grammanym: [letter word] word (or phrase) expressable as acronymic homonym -- anemone (NMNE), are (R), be, bee (B), cue (Q), cutie (QT), devious (DVS), empty (MT), enemy (NME), essay (SA), ex (X), excellency (XLNC), expediency (XPDNC), obediency (OBDNC), okey )OK), pea (P), see (C), tea (T), why (Y), Why are you empty? (YRUMT), you (U)
grasnakess: [snake in the grass wordle] hidden danger
great googol: [gross:great gross::googol:?] G(2, 3, G(3, 2, 10)) = G(2, 1000, 10)
great googolplex: [gross:great gross::googolplex:?] G(2, 3, G(3, 3, 10))
gred: [blue:grue:::red:?] green of a leaf which will be turning red
grellow: [blue:grue:::yellow:?] green of a leaf which will be turning yellow
grorange: [blue:grue:::orange:?] green of a leaf which will be turning orange
grown: [blue:grue:::brown:?] green of a leaf which will be turning brown
grueberry: [blue:grue::blueberry:?, with from grue (Nelson Goodman, 1946)] still green, unripe blueberry, expected to turn blue
Gwetrustod: [in God we trust wordle] once and future motto of US
ha ir: [split hair charade wordle] ultrafine point
haneedleystack: [needle in haystack wordle] something found with extreme difficulty
heaholed: [hole in head wordle] touch of insanity
heamarriagemadeven: [marriage made in heaven wordle] hierogamy
herocksad: [rocks in head wordle] crazy ideas
hesnowballck: [snow ball in heck wordle] very slim kind of chance
hiddenym: [hidden + -nym] word hidden in end of one word and the beginning of the next -- nine, do, new, Dan, go, hen
hoacele: [ace in the hole wordle] unsuspected resources
hommonym: [homonym + m] word which becomes its own homonym when an interior letter is deleted -- aunt, boulder, hoarse, mooed, reign, too, two
homony: [curtailed homonym, hominy pun, aka curtailment homphone] describing words which becomes their own homonym when a new final letter is added -- ad, be, bell, bloc, born, but, by, canvas, cast, dam, flu, for, in, laps, or, pleas, so, to, we
hyp-henym: word transformed into another by having hyphen deleted
hyphenym: word transformed into another by having a hyphen added -- coop, recover, recreate, see hyp-henym
iatronym: [Virginia R. Hager's doctored name] Dr./dr- pun -- Dr. Awbridge, Dr. Eamland, Dr. Inker, Dr. Ugola
ibebious: ["I b(elieve) e(veryone) b(elieves) i(t)." acronym] believing that all others believe
ibibious: ["I b(elieve) I b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] believing that you believe
ibidbious: {"I b(elieve) I d(on't) b(elieve) i(t)." acronym] believing that you do not believe
ibidious: ["I b(elieve) I d(isbelieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] believing that you disbelieve
ibious: ["I b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] believing, especially enthusiastically
ibohphobia: [beheaded aibohphobia] fear of alindromes
ibubious: ["I b(elieve yo)u b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym]
ibudbious: {"I b(elieve yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym]
idbabious: ["I d(on't) b(elieve) a(nyone) b(elieves) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] disbelieving that other believe
idbebious: ["I d(on't) b(elieve) e(veryone) b(elieves) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] disbelieving all others believe
idbibious: ["I d(on't) b(elieve) I b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] disbelieving that you believe
idbubious: ["I d(on't) b(elieve yo)u b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym angram] disbelieving another believes
ihhp: [phhi ananym] ciscendental nverted from phhi, i. e., etc. 001,643,338
ihp: [phi ananym] ciscendental nverted from phi, i. e., etc. 889,330,816.1
ijrikilijri: [ABCD:IJKL::abracadabra:?] magic (nonsense) word like abrakadabra
inamania: [beheaded ainamania] mania for alindromes
inary: [2:binary::i:?] refering to number based on i, including the improper kinds with A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, etc. , Z = 35, j = 2i, k = 3i, etc. , z = 18i, etc., h = 26i
insec: [pun on "insect", AU:parsec::inch:?] 3.255442 mi = 5.239127 km
ip: [pi ananym] ciscendental enverted from pi, i. e., etc. 356295141.3
issippus: [backformed from Mississippi, pl. issipi] backword from word beginning with mis- pronounced mis-, see ourus --
iversal: [universal backformation] referring to outside the universe
Janumolassesary: [molasses in January wordle] very slow moving
jhonestun: [honest injun wordle] extremely honest
jootsy: [“jumping out of the system” acronym + -y] referring to mathematics which can switch from Roman numerals to words to numbers at any time or literature in which a character can switch to the writer or reviewer (Van Veen in Ada or John Ray in foreword of Lolita both by Vladimir Nabokov,)
kazillion: {Mayan ka- (20) + zillion] 799993950 or 1595946740 or 4295114,020 or 20417,866900
knighted word: Sir/ser-, sir-, sur- pun, Sir Loin, Sir Pentine, Sir Prize
latinym: [Latin + -nym and la + ti + -nym] word formed from another by substituting alphabetical notes for sol-fa syllables, i. e., a = la, b = ti, c = do, e = mi, f = fa, g = so(l) -- flavor = favor, gratis = grabs, mare = mad, see pianonym
limatherick: mathematical limerick --
(12 + 144 + 20
+ 3(G(2, 1/2, 4))
+ 5(11)
= G(2, 2, 9) + 0
[“A dozen, a gross and a score Plus three times the square root of four Divided by seven Plus five time eleven Is nine squared and not a bit more.”]
limatherick chain: [math + limerick chain] y
= 2tan(p) = 2(20) - 20
+ 4/6 + (1/3) G(2, 2, (3,000,000)
2(2)z/4, /(9,000,000,000,000)
+ G(2, pi, e) + 3G(2, 1/2, 343)
["The unknown quantity, y, Equals twice the tangent of pi Plus four-sixths and a third Times twice two z quartered Plus e raised to double pi i, Where two factorial z Equals two score less twenty Times the square of three million Divided by nine trillion Plus the cube root of three forty-three.", so z = 10 and y = 11]
lindrome: [beheaded alindrome] near-palindrome that lacks first two letters
looping: anagram formed by moving the final letter to the initial position, e. g., ploo
loopun: [unloop enloopu] form (312, 3412, 34512, etc.) anagrams by moving initail letters 2 times to tail
lusionist: [illusionist backformation] user of artistic techniques to create a state of true perception of actual nature, to lead aright, to cause to accept as true or valid what is true or valid
mammothicle: [mammoth + icicle portmanteau] frozen mammoth, used as evidence for catastrophism
mandogger: [dog in manger wordle]
megillion: [meg(a)- + -illion] G(2, 300003, 10)
memnonyms: [Agamemnonym frag + -nym] n-letter word containing two palindromic trigrams or corresponding (n - 2)-letter word without them --
microkan: [milli-:micro-::millikan:?] probability = 0.0001%
millillion: [centi-:milli-::centillion:?] G(2, 3003, 10)
millneckstone: [millstone around neck wordle] execution
Mnax: [Manx aangram] without tail and with first and second line exchanged
Mo: [Manx Moo] quintuply curtailed
modownuth: [down in mouth wordle] not well
mofootuth: [foot in mouth wordle] unretractable faux pa
Moo: [Moorean Moorean] quadruply curtailed
Moor: [Manx Moore} triply curtailed
Moorean: [Moore + -an] Manx Manx, like Moore's limericks, doubly line-curtailed
morsynonyms: [Morse + synonym] words that translate into the same Morse code dot-dash sequence, dash-dot-dot-dash-dash-dash = do = neo = team
mynynym: palindromic word-ananym portmanteau
naagram: [anagram metallage] anagram with first and second letters exchanged
nade: one of the words making up an alternade, binade, trinade, quaternade, quinade, e. g., "shoe" or "cold" in "schooled", see frag
nagram: [beheaded anagram] transdeletion with a letter deleted and rest transposed, see andagram
nany: [beheaded and curtailed ananym] describing transdeletion in which word is terminally deleted and reversed -- rebirth = tribe
nanym: beheaded ananym -- stinky = knits
nefriended: [friend in need wordle] helpmate
neontology: [paleontology antonym] study of young-earth fossils
nepainck: [pain in neck wordle] nuisance
Nepalese: describing poem variation with last 5 lines missing as in limerick described by: “There once was a man from Nepal Whose limericks had no lines at all. Since no space they took, He published a book With an infinite number in all.”
n-est: [Aronson numbers extrapolation] number described by Latin sentence, "N est prima, etc. quinta ab ultimum littera in hic sententiam."
ninety-nines = 9[G(2, 90, 10)/9]
nixonym: [Nixon + -nym] word, like NIXON, with only upside-down letters, i. e., H, I, N, O, S, X, Z -- hi, his, hiss, I, in, inn, is, no, on, Oz, shin, sis, six, son, zoo
nonyms: [Agamemnonnym frag] n-letter word containing one palindromic trigram or corresponding (n - 1)-letter word without it -- fife, fie
nugon: [nu + -gon] polygon formed from N-like triple line segments
nushellt: [in nut shell wordle] summarized
oholene: [hole in one wordle] rare accomplishment
ointflyment: [fly in ointment wordle] one flaw that spoils whole
Omish: [Percy Mo + -ish] quintuply curtailed and reversed
omnivia: [3:all:trivia:?] connection between everything
omonym: [beheaded homonym] word that becomes its own homonym when an initial letter is added -- cent, hole, isle, lama, nap, nave, need, new, nickers, night, nit, Nome, not, our, salter, rap, rest, retch, right, rite, rote, see shomonym
oneare: [in one ear wordle] unlisteningly
oogol: [G(2, 100, 10):googol::G(2, 00, 10):?, beheaded googol] name for the angelic number, G(2, 00, 10)
Oomish: [Percy Moo + -ish] quadruply curtailed then reversed
oopunling: [enloopuing:loopuning::loopuning:?] forming (51234, 561234, 5671234, . ..) anagrams by moving 4 times the initial letters to tail
oopling: [ploo:oplo::oplo:?] forming (23451, 345612, 4567123, etc.) anagrams by 4 times moving the final letter to the initial position
ooqol: [see Oogology] name for a surreal number, Q(00)
Oor: [Percy Roo] triply curtailed, reversed, curtailed again, then reversed again
oploing: [loop:ploo::ploo:?] forming (2341, 34512, 456123, .. .) anagrams by 3 times moving the final letter to the initial position
opunlo: [loopun:oopunl::oopunl:?] form (612345, 6712345, 67812345, etc.) anagrams by moving initial letters 5 times to tail
oproqoropro: [ABCD:OPQR::abracadabra:?] magic (nonsense) word like abracadabra
Or: [Percy Ro] triply curtailed, reversed, doubly curtailed and then reversed again
ord: beheaded word
Ore: [Percy Ero] doubly curtailed and reversed, then double curtailed and reversed again
ouijanym: word like ouija divisible into bilingual homonyms -- Andy, demisemi, fisnoga, heel, lathe, mime, oro, pillicock, reindeer, toad, yet
ouroboronym: [ouroboros + -nym] word with identical ends -- Church, claustrophobic, deride, edified, edited, educated, enliven, entertainment, enticement, entrancement, escapes, esquires, estates, fireproof, gerrymandering, growing, halleluiah, headache, illuminati, ingesting, ingrowing, insulin, knapsack, logical, memorandum, orator, photograph, restores, sense, shellfish, teammate, temperate, terminate, that, verve, yesterday
ourus: [backformed from missouri, pl. ouri] backword from word beginning with mis- pronounced ms- [miz-], see issippus
ownstewjuice: [stew in own juice wordle] reap the rotten fruits of one's deeds
pale-eontology: [pale + paleontology] study of fossils recognizing how woefully meager they are
paleologism: [neologism antonym] once but no longer used word -- afterclap, agruw, badand, beek, bellibone, blench, bletched, brinch, brool, brownswine, calenture, chank, chantpleure, codswallop, crizzles, croodle, dilling, eigne, excarnify, felth, fleerer, flosh, foolosopher, fribble, gleekmen, glop, glox, graking, grubble, gumble, gwenders, hotch, hurkle, inkhornish, inkshed, lib, lubberwort, misenglish, mocteroof, mung, murlimews, muskin, nesh, noonscape, nuddle, nurt, paskudnak, pingle, prangle, quatch, quetch, raff, ravary, sciologist, scork, seelihead, shandygaff, singing-bread, slurg, snirp, snirtle, snool, solonist, spuddle, squiddle, stoo, thrid, tifle, tsitser, trombenik, twissle, twychild, ug, unsnod, uzzle, vult, whitch, wowf, wrox, wurp, yack, yex
Panamaramic: refering to tha many variations of Leigh Mercer's Panama palindrome -- A lab, a crab, a bar: cabala. A man, a petal, a parade, cedar, a palate: Panama., A man, a post, a fare, salad, a laser, a fatso: Panama.
pantonym: palindromic antonym, like eye
pandagram: palindromic andagram
pantitular: [all-title] nothing but the title repeated over and over -- Ron Padgett's “Nothing in That Drawer”
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
Nothing in that drawer.
pantsants: [ants in pants wordle] fidgety
papallege:[pataphysics::patallege::papaphysics:?] anagram with four-letter exchnge
papaphysics: [metaphysics:pataphysics::pataphysics:?] science of the
unobservable, unthinkable, unimaginable, beyond physics, metaphysics, pataphysics, theology,e. g., God the Father (Papa)
paradoxy: [paradox + orthodoxy] belief system based upon paradoxes
patallege: [metaphysics:pataphysics::
metallege:?] anagram with three-letter exchange
Pe: [Moor Percy] reversed and then triply curtailed
Per: [Moorean Percy] reversed and then doubly curtailed
Perc: [Manx Percy] reversed and then curtailed
Percyan: [Persy + -an] line-ananym, as in J. A. Lindon's limerick: "That things were not worse was a mercy! You read bottom line first Since he wrote all reversed. He did every job arsy-versy. A very odd poet was Percy!"
p-est: [Aronson numbers extrapolation] number mentioned in Latin sentence, "P est prima, quinta, etc. littera in hic sententiam."
peta: [8:mega::17:?] G(2, 17, 2) = 131072
petistron: [mega:peta::megistron:?] G(3, 17, 10)
pfalindrome: word that would be a palindrome if not for the second letter -- blob
pfapostronym: apostronym that would have also been a palindrome but for its second letter -- id, shes
phalindrome: [phonetic palindrome] word pronounced the same backward as forward -- babe, known, mime, rare
phananyms: [phonetic ananym] words that are ananyms phonetically, though not literally -- fleshpot = top-shelf, nowhere = Erewhon (Samuel Butler), oat = toe, scoops = spooks
phemisms: [euphemism backformation] either "good" euphemisms or "bad" dysphemisms
pheresis: [beheaded apheresis] bigrammic beheadment
phhi: [pi:phi::phi:?] G(2, 2pi, phi) = 0.833346100 etc.
phie: phi times e = 4.398272389 etc..
phinary: [2:f::binary:?] refering to ambiguous number system based on phi
phi-osophy: [phi + philosophy portmanteau the study of the beauty and truth in the golden ratio, phi
pilck: [in a pick L wordle] in a bad situation
phalindrome: [syllabic palindrome] word that sounds the same backward and forward, babe, known
pho: [fi:fie:fo::phi:phie:?] phi/e = 0.59524144etc.
phum: [fi:fie:fo:fum::phi:phie:pho:?] phi/(G(2, 2, e) = 0.218977088 etc.
pianonym: word limited to piano key letters, A, B, C, D, E, F or G -- age, bag, beg, dad, gab, gag
piplex: [googol:googolplex::pi:?] G(2, pi, 10) = 13854557 etc.
plexing: [googolplex backformation] raising ten to a given number
plipogram: [palindronic lipogram portmanteau] passage both lipogrammic and palindromic
plooing: [looped "loop"] anagram formed by moving the final letter to the initial position
polynyms: words with two or more of the characteristics of allonym, ambinym, ananym, anatonym, antonym, apostronym, aptronym, arithmonym, boustrophenym, capitonym, consonym, contronym, domunym, exonym, euonym, feminyms, grammanym, heteronym, hiddenym, homonym, iatronym, liponym, malonym, meronym, morsonym, mynynym, omonym, ouijanym, pianonym, retronym, roonym, synonym, tautonym, telephonym, toonym
polysingular: refers to words with same plural but different singular forms -- axes (ax, axis), bases (base, basis)
polythink: [2:n::doublethink:?] to hold many thoughts, particularly contradictory ones, simultaneously
poolnu: [unloop ananym] word unlooped and then reversed -- flatcar = fractal
popigke: [pig in poke wordle] purchase made aziz with minimal information
postronym: [apostronym backformation] word which becomes another word with apostrophe addition, cant, ill, hell, shell, well
ps-ain't: palindromic s-ain't
pshiftgrams: words that are both palindromes and shiftgrams, eye/gag, dud/ere
punloo: [oopunl:opunlo::opunlo:?] form (7123456, 78123456, 789123456, etc.) anagrams by moving 6 times initial letters to tail
quartersibling: half-sibling's half-sibling
ralflagly: [rally around flag wordle] behave patriotically
ralucric:[circular ananym] describing words that are readable clockwise and counterclockwise when written circularly
ransposition; [beheaded transposition] transformation of word by combined transposition and deletion -- sonnet = notes + n = steno + n = stone + n = tones + n = nonet + s = tonne + s = nones + t, see aagram, angram, nagram,
ransposition string: string formed by ransposing -- sonnetonestenonestone = sonnet + tones + steno + nones + stone
Re: [Percy Er] doubly curtailed, reversed, then triply curtailed and reversed again
reen: [blue:bleen::red:?]
Rep: [Percy Per] reversed, doubly curtailed and then reversed again
reprep: [replicated replication] [G(2, r, 10)/s]
rhating: [hat in ring wordle] made bid for political office
rodiamondugh: [diamond in rough wordle] unfinished masterpiece
Ro: [Manx Roo] triply curtailed, reversed, then doubly curtailed
romantic chain: chain of romantic number name, embedded Roman numeral, Roman numeral's number name, etc. -- seventy-eight, vi, six, ix, nine, i, one
romantic ring: romantic chain that links back to original number -- [Fren.] cent = c, [Germ.] eins = i; fünfhundert = d, [Ital.] cientouno = ci, [Span.] cento = c
romanym: [Roman + -nym] word with only Roman numeral letters, c, d, i, l, m, v, x -- did, mild, minim, mix,
Romwhene: [when in Rome wordle] call to conformity
Roo: [Manx Room] triply curtailed, reversed then curtailed again
Room: [Percy Moor] triply curtailed and then reversed
roonym: [kangaroo word] word with another word hidden inside
rubugg: [bug in rug wordle] comfortable
RUMT: "Are you empty?" grammanym
s-ain'ts: any Aronsonian numbers generated by the sentence, "'S' ain't the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. eighth, tenth, etc. letter in this sentence.": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, etc., 30, 32, etc.
sameallboat: [all in same boat wordle] together in a predicament
sbuttky: [buttinsky wordle] kibitzer
schmalindrome: word(s) that would be palindromic if not for the beginning
schmanagram: word resulting from transaddition, adding to and rearranging letters of original word
secondary: [elementary antonym] word with non-element letters -- A, D, E, G, J, L, M, Q, R, T, X, Z -- aggregate, amalgamate, axe, dead, deeded, degree, delete, delegate, elated, exaggerate, extralegal, extreme, grade, greater, greed, jade, later, mate, Qatar, regret, trader, zeal
sesquation: [4:3/2::tetration:?] intermediate operation between addition and multiplication
seventy-sevens: [7(G(2, 70, 10)/9)]
shetaordlu: [etaoin shrdlu wordle] more pronounceable version of 12 commonest letters
shkickins: [kick in shins wordle] painful, though minor, wounding
shomonym: word which becomes its own homonym when beheaded -- aisle, Gnome, llama, knap, knave, kneed, knew, knickers, knight, knit, knot, hour, psalter, scent, whole, wrap, wrest, wretch, wright, write, wrote
sigmagon: [sigma + -gon] polygon formed from sigma-like quintuple line segments
s-inners: [non-s-ain'ts] numbers not among the s-ain'ts: 1, 9, 31, 36, etc., generated by the inner s in the generating sentence, "S ain't the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. letter in this sentence."
sithornde: [thorn in side wordle] seemingly incurable pain
sixty-sixes: [6(G(2, 60, 10)/9)]
spalindrome: word that would be a palindrome if initial letter were deleted, aka fore-anchored palindrome
spiky: [pi in sky wordle] mathematical eucatastrophe
spolynyms: words except for an extra initial letter like ones with two or more of the characteristics of aannym, allonym, ambinym, ananym, anatonym, antonym, apostronym, aptronym, arithmonym, boustrophenym, capitonym, consonym, contronym, domunym, exonym, euonym, feminyms, grammanym, heteronym, homonym, iatronym, liponym, malonym, meronym, morsonym, naanym, ouijanym, pianonym, retronym, roonym, synonym, tautonym, telephonym, toonym
sponsible: [Lat. spons- ] having the ability to sponse or espouse
spooniferism: [spoonerism + kniferism portmanteau] switching of both initial consonant and vowel clusters
sporkniferism: [sporkism + knifism portmanteau] switching of clustered final and initial consonants and vowel clusters
stanyportorm: [any port in storm wordle] less than ideal refuge
suplacen: [place in sun wordle] pleasant location
surregular: overly irregular conjugations -- bathtubim (bathtub), beeth (booth), beleption (believe), bote (bite), chost (choose), cose (cat), dra (drum), flang (fling), foxen (fox), greption (grieve), hice (house), loke (leak), lood (land), lynges (lynx), meese (moose), mid (moo), photographim (photograph), plew (play), praught (preach), smold (smell), son (sin), tew (tie)
tall division: [antonym of antonym of long division] division of numeral, not number, vertically or horizontally, see Jootsy Calculus
teau: word fragment used to form portmanteau
teauport: [teauportman backformation] form a portmanteau by linking two words anagrammarly by moving a word fragment to the end of a word
teauportman: [portmanteau syllable anagram] one who teauports
technillogical: [illogical + technological] having to do with illogical technology like the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, environmentally destructive
telananyms: [Dave Morice's telephone reversal] words with reversed telephone number equivalents -- films (34567), solid (76543)
telephonyms: [Dmitri Borgmann's telephone word] word with only traditional telephone letters, that is, without q or z
telesynonyms: [telephone synonym] words with same telephone number equivatents -- 228 = Abu, act, bat, cat
telligence: [intelligence backformation] inability to learn
tera: [8:mega::14:?] G(2, 14, 2) = 16384
terbangro: [interrobang wordle] combination interrogatory and exclamation mark
terillion: [ter(a) + -illion] G(2, 3000000000003, 10)
teristron: [mega:tera::megistron:?] G(3, 14, 10)
tetempestapot: [tempest in teapot wordle]
thehangre: [hang in there wordle] encouraging word to persevere
thirty-threes: 333333333333333333333333333333 = 3[G(2, 30, 10)/9]
timstitche: [stitch in time wordle] apropos correction
toonym: two-tailed homonym like too, or add, bee, belle, block, borne, butt, bye, canvass, caste, damn, flue, fore, inn, lamb, lapse, ore, please, sow, wee
TOSCOD: [t(riple) o(r) s(um) c(ubes) o(f) d(igits)] operation which either triples a number or sums the cubes of its digits, which if repeated a sufficient number of times results in 153 (John 21:10), the sum of the first 17 integers
toscodicity: quality of a number indicated by the number of TOSCOD steps it needs to reach 153
TQ: [telligence quotient, IQ backformation] measure of inability to learn
tri-inary: refering to a number system based on 3i
trinade: [2:3::binade:?] worddivisible into three smaller words
twenty-twos: 22222222222222222222 = 2[G(2, 20, 10)/9]
ubious: ["(Yo)u b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] disbelieving that another believes
ubebious: ["(Yo)u b(elieve) e(veryone) b(elieves) i(t)." acronym] not believing that another believes that all others believe
ubibious: ["(Yo)u b(elieve) I b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that another believes that you believe
ubidbious: {"(Yo)u b(elieve) I d(on't) b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that another believes that you do not believe
ubidious: ["(Yo)u b(elieve) I d(isbelieve) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that another believes that you disbelieve
ubious: ["(Yo)u b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that another believes
ububious: ["(Yo)u b(elieve yo)u b(elieve) i(!)" acronym] not believing that another believes that they believe
ubudbious: {"(Yo)u b(elieve yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) i(!)" acronym] not believing that another believes that they do not believe
ubudious: {"(Yo)u b(elieve yo)u d(isbelieve) i(!)"] not believing that another believes that they disbelieve
udabious: ["(Yo)u d(isbelieve) a(nyone) b(elieves) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that other disbelieves that any disbelieve
udbabious: ["(Yo)u d(isbelieve) a(nyone) b(elieves) i(t!)"] not believing that another disbelieves that any others believe
udbebious: ["(Yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) e(veryone) b(elieves) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that another does not believe that all others do believe
udbibious: ["(Yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) I b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] not believing that another does not believe that you do believe
udbubious: ["(Yo)u d(on't) b(elieve yo)u b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] not believing another does not believe that they believe
udebious: ["(Yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) e(veryone) b(elieves) i(t!)" acronym] not believing that another does not believe that all others do believe
udibious: ["(Yo)u d(on't) b(elieve) I b(elieve) i(t.)” acronym acronym acronym] not believing that another does not believe that you do believe
udubious: ["(Yo)u d(on't) b(elieve yo)u b(elieve) i(t!)" acronym] not believing another does not believe that they believe
UMO: unaccoutably moving objects acronym, like moving statues, walking trees, productive bureaucrats
umpteen: [M:ump::M + 10:?] 1010
umpty: [M:ump::10M:?] 1,000
umpty-ump: [M:ump::11M:?] 11000
Unian: [beheaded Dunian] with first first and last four lines unwritten]
unproper fractions: fractions in which improper cancellation of digits results in a proper reduction, see Jootsy Calculus
unrationals: numbers that transform a rational into an irrational or vice versa, p/q - [G(2, 1/2, G(2, 2, p/q)) or G(2, 1/2, p) - [G(2, 1.2, G(2, 2, pq))]/q
uple: [nonuple backformation] indivisible by 9
urtailment: [Dmitri Borgmann's terminal deletion, beheaded curtailment] removal of both ends of a word -- heart = ear, magenta = agent, revolver = evolve
URUNIMI: ["you are you and I am I" pseudo-acronym] principle of undependance which appreciated la difference between people, especially between I AM (God) and everyone else
uvruwuxuvru: [ABCD:UVWX::abracadabra:?] magic (nonsesnse) word like abracadabra
Verdunian: poem with with last four lines unwritten, but implied, as in limerick: "There once was a man of Verdun (Whose limericks ended at line one. He'd only begun To rhyme something with -un, When his limericking was done.)
Wendhamian: [from J. A. Lindon's Wendham poet's limerick] with final rhyme unwritten, but implied
wordling: transformation of word into letter sequence rebus by transdeletion in which frags are taken literally -- inches = in c, h es = cesh
wordling, nested: wordling with multiple transformations -- atgastrostl (gastrointestinal), ecdisld (disinclined), eepephrs (epinephrines), egard (ingrained), eocrls (crinolines), etmaad (maintained), etstes (intestines), gdrekls (reinklings), gdwowdresss (windowdressings), gnwgds (wingdings), gksprls (sprinklings), gktwls (twinklings), oeantutrs (antineutrinos), tfskls (skinflints), tgfer-pas (finger-paintings), tgferprs (fingerprints), tppos (pinpoints)
words square: [word:words::word square:?] n2 words arranged in square -- if magic -- to form sentence(s) --
my dog is weak.
dog the fighting man
is fighting good will
weak man will fall
WYDSIWYG: [“what you don't see is what you get” acronym] principle that faith concerns things unseen
xonym: [Dave Morice's tic-tac-toe word] 3-or-less-letter word with only x or o, as used in tic-tac-toe -- o, oo, ooo, ox, oxo, oxx, x, xo, xoo, xox, xx, xxx
yotta: [8:mega::23:?] G(2, 23, 2) = 8388608
yottistron: [mega:yotta::megistron:?] G(3, 23, 10)
YRUMT: "Why are you empty?" grammanym
zillion: [see merology] 3999697.5 or 2147557151 or 10208693345 or 3505830076725 depending on merological system
zygophrenia: personality disorder, opposite to schizophrenia, as in the case of the Chaplin twins of York, Eng., described by Dr. David Westbury as one person in two bodies, evidenced to a lesser degree in the telepathy-like twin effect
zyxical: refering to reversed alphabet
root words
abracadabra alphome ananym ballad ballade bergette billion binary Burns stanza cantar casbairdne choka clerihew clogyrnach cossante decima dizain
droighneach dubious Eckenstrophe gayatri ghazal googol googolplex
gwawdodyns haikai huitain inch katauta limerick madrigal Manx
mega muwashshah muzdawij nonina pantoun pantun parsec
pentapaul phi pi portmanteau qasida quattordicina renga
roundle sedoka sequidilla sestina sijo tanka trimetre
triolet undicina villanelle
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