Works in Progress
Astonishing, Bald and Barefoot Saints: collection of stories of saints arranged by title, such as, Christina the Astonishing,
Basilean Tales: collection of fairy tale-like parables based on the Sunday Gospel readings
Before and After Saint Book: collection of stories about saints arranged in two parts -- the anonymous pre-conversion life and the post-conversion saint as we now know them
Between the Lines of Proverbs: proverbs from Wisdom and New Testament books versified by the addition of second and fourth rhyming lines
Crosswords Including the Cross and the Word: collection of crossword puzzles previously published in My People newspaper
Edge to Edge: The Colorized Version: collection of the cartoon strips previously published in My People newspaper in black-and-white
Eg 'n' Art's Almanac day-by-day collection of fortean mysteries
Encyclopedia Xenologica: multi-volume compendium of 10,000 intelligent life forms -- human, angelic, demonic, fantastic
Hierogamous Hymns for Musicians: collection of royalty-free sheet music from Hierogamous Hymns and newer songs by Michael Joseph Halm
I'm A Believer: novel of early Church renewal and sexual counterrevolution set in the late 1960s
Jubilee Journey: chronological collection of 50 songs with commentary written by Michael Joseph Halm during the Great Jubilee
Let Us Remember André Joyce: poetry, mathematics, language, games, the wide range of neglected writings of this forgotten genius translated and edited by Razilee Purdue
New Creations: The Book: collection of the columns of Susan Seda previously published in My People newspaper, stories of lives changed by Jesus
Psalms, Hymns and Inspired Songs: large collection of Hierogamous House songs found in the other smaller collections and non-Hierogamous House songs
Them That Have Wings: science fiction story about Leonardo di Vinci's time machine and what he learned in his travels