The Pataphysical Calendar
This calendar is made up of 13 4-week, 29-day months (the 29th day of every month being the hunyadi, of which all -- but two, the hunyadi gras of Gidouille and the leap year hunyadi of Pedale -- are imaginary, and all of which are not included in the weeks). 1 A. P. = A. D. 1837.
September 8 to October 5
1. Nativity of Alfred Jarry
2. Abolition of St. Ptyx, silentiare
3. St. Phénix, solipsist and S. Hyx, factotum
4. St. Lucien of Samoaste, voyager
5. St. Bardamu, voyager
6. St. Vérola, social assistant
7. St. Alambic, abstracteur
8. Absinthe, predicesor of S. Alfred
9. Descent of the S. Spirit de Vin
10. Dilution
11. St. Purée, sportswoman
12. Vide
13. St. Cantarel, illuminator
14. St. Sophrotatos the Armenian, pataphysicist
15. Ethernity
16. St. Ibicrate the Geometer, pataphysicist
17. Céphalorgie
18. Flutes of Pan
19. Sts. Grues, ophiophiles
20. St. Mélusine, souillarde de cuisine
21. St. Venceslas, duke
22. Emmanuel Dieu
23. St. Varia-Miriam, amphibian
24. Sts. Rakirs and Rastrons, porkchop holders
25. Nativity of St. Magnificence Opach
26. St. Joseb, nataire à la mode de Bretagne
27. Sts. Gigolette and Gaufrette, dogaresses
28. Xylostomie
29. Le Jet Musical
October 6 to November 2
1. The Acts of Dr. Faustroll
2. Dissolution of Edgar Allan Poe, dinomythurge
3. St. Gibus, franc-macon
4. St. Berthe de Courrière, égérie
5. St. Belgique, wet nurse
6. St. Tourte, lyricist and St. Bévue, sociologist
7. St. Prout, abbé
8. Feast of Haha
9. Tautology
10. St. Panmuphle, huissier
11. Exodus of St. Lucas Cranach, apocalyptician
12. St. Cosinus, savant
13. Sts. Fenouillard, saintly family
14. Exhibition of the Daromphe
15. Nativity of the stre, pyrotech
16. St. Vadrouille, emblem
17. St. Homais d'Aquin, prudhomme
18. Nativity of St. Pipe, Baron Mollet
19. St. Raphael, appetizer and philistine
20. Strangulation of Bosse-de-Nage
21. Zimzoum of Bosse-de-Nage
22. Resurrection of Bosse-de-Nage
23. Chapeau of Bosse-de-Nage
24. St. Claude Terasse, musician of Phynances
25. St. J.-P. Brisset, philologue, prince of penseurs
26. Commemoration of Cure-dent
27. Occultation of Alfred Jarry
28. Flight of Ablou
29. Marée Terrestre (Earthly tide)
November 3 to November 30
1. Nativity of Pantagruel
2. St, Rose Sélavy, heroine
3. Coronation of Lord Patchogue, mirrormonger
4. St. Cravan, boxer5. S. Van Meegeren, forger
6. St. Omnibus, satyr
7. St. Cyrano de Bergerac, explorer
8. St. Rimbe, uninvested
9. Equarrissage for all
10. St. Abstrait, executioner
11. St. Ossian, bard
12. Dispute of the plus and minus signs
13. Moustaches of Dr. Faustroll
14. St. Pierre Bonnard, peinter of Phynances
15. Navigation of Dr. Faustroll
16. St. Cap, captain
17. St. Pangloss, humorist passif
18. St. Chambernac, pauvriseur
19. St. Courtial des Péreires, aérostier and inventor
20. St. Olibrius, augur
21. St. Possible, schizophrnic
22. St. Lautréamont
23. St. Quincey, art critic
24. St. Berbiguier, martyr
25. St. Lewis Caroll, professor
26. St. Mensonger the Misleading Bishop
27. St. Visité, girl preseeding
28. Nativity of St. Jonathan Swift, canon
29. Through the Looking-glass
December 1 to 28
1. Marriage of Balkis and Salomon
2. St. Doublemain, ideologue
3. St. Phlegmon, doctrinaire
4. St. Barbe, femme-canon
5. St. Savate, avocate
6. Sts. Navet and Perruque, humanists
7. St. Birbe, judge
8. Conception of Père Ubu (Alfed Jarry)
9. St. Sagouin, homme d'Etat
10. Exaltation of KingUbu d'Hiver
11.Nativity of St. Grabbe, scherzist
12. St. Choupe, mother
13. St. Flaive, janitor
14. Don Quixote, knight errant
15. Khurmookum of Dr. Faustroll
16. St. Nui, exempt
17. St. Moyen, francais
18. St. Lurette, joconde
19. Gravidity of Mother Ubu
20. S. Sabre, allopath
21. Se Tape, pompette
22. Caesar-Antechrist
23. Se Viole, virgin and martyr
24. Se Pochetée, gouvernante
25. Nativity of Archæoptéryx
26. M onsieur Sisyphe
27. Se. Tic, spouce
28. Se. Cervelas, penseur
29. Aleph
December 29 to January 25
1. St. Alaodine, virtuoso
2. SS. Hassassins, praticiens
3. Astu
4. Décervelage
5. SS. Giron, Pile and Cotice, palotins
6. St. Polonais, prolétaires
7. St. Forçats, pollorcètes
8. St. Bordue, Captain
9. Dormition of Jacques Vaché, interpreter
10. Drapaud
11. St. Eustache, liberator
12. St. Landru, gynecologist
13. St. Joseph Ignace Guillotin, physician
14. four Sts. Sans-Cou, neckless enchanters
15. Conscience of Ubu
16. St. Mauvais, subjet
17. St. Mandrin, poet and philosopher
18. Sts. Pirates and Filibusters, thaumathurges
19. S. et Se Cartouche, veterinarians
20. S. Outlaw, aristocrat
21. Chair of Dr. Faustroll
22. Ostension of Baton to Physics
23. S. Tank, animal
24.S. Weidman, patriarch
25.S. Petiot, expert
26. Feast of Escrime (Repopulation)
27. SS. Chemins de fer, (Iron ways) assassins
28. Repopulation
29. Bed of Procrustus
January 26 to February 22
1. Dépucelage of Mother Ubu
2. St. Sigisbée, eunuch
3. St. Anthropoïde, policeman
4. St. Goule ou Gudule, institutrice
5. St. Gale, abbess
6. St. Touche, postulant
7. St. Gueule, abbot
8. Feast of the Chandelle Verte (Green Candle)
9. St. Crêpe, laique
10. St. Préservatif, bedeau
11. St. Baobab the Celibate
12.St. Membre, compiler
14. Nativity of Jules Verne, globetrotter en chambre
15. Alice in Wonderland
16. St. Münchhausen, baron
17. The Bétrou
18 Nativity of Deibler, prestidigitater
19. St. Sade ès Liens
20. St. Lafleur, valet
22. St. Sexe the Stylite
23. Occultation of St. J. Torma, euphorist
24. Conversion of St. Matorel, bateleur St. Marmelade the Inspired
25. Absolute, delirious Love
26. Absolute, delirious Love
27. St. Tabagie, cosmogène
28. Sts. Hylactor and Pamphagus
29. Perpetual Motion/Proposal
February 23 to March 23
1. the Surmâle
2. St. André Marcueil, ascetic cyclist
3. St. Ellen, hile
4. St. Michet, Idealist
5. St. Ouducul, trouvère
6. Vers Belges
7. St. Gavroche, canival
8. The Love Machine
9. St. Remezy, bishop in partibus
10. Nativity of St. Tancrède the Young
11. Testament of St. P. Ucello, evil illuminated
12. St. Hari Seldon, psychohistorian
13. St. Valburge
14. Sabbat
15. Sts. Adelphes, esotéristes
16. Sts. Templiers, adepts
17. St. Dricarpe, proselyte
18. St. Nosocome, med student
19. St. Goutte, military feast
20. St. Cuisse, patroness
21. St. Inscrit, Convert
22. St. Sengle, Deserter
23. St. Masquerade, uniform
24. Nativity of S. Stéphane the Wild
25. St. Peligraf Poligrafovitch, dog
26. St. Pâle, minor
27. St. Valens, brother onirique
28. Dedication of the Tripode
29. Bl. Escampette, dynamiter
March 24 to April 20
1. St. Ablou, page and S. Haldern, duke
2. SS. Hiboux, master singers
3. The Mandragore, solanée android
4. St. Pagne, confident
5. SS. Aster andVulpian, transgressors of the Néant
6. St. Ganymède, professional
7. The hand of Gloire
8. The Painting Machine
9. Se Trique, lunatic
10. Remission of Fishes
11. St. Maquereau, Intercessor
12. St. Georges Dazet, silk-look poulpe
13. Nativity of Maldoror, corsaire aux Cheveux d'Or
14. Exodus of Albrecht Dürer, hermetist
15. Invention of Pataphysics
16. St. Domenico Theotocopolos, the Greek
17. St. Hieronymus Bosch, démonarque
18. The 27 Ètres from the Books Pairs
19. St. Barbeau, procuror and St. Morue the Just
20. Capture of Fourneau
21. Moreau, islander
22. Feast of the Polyhedrons
23.Locus Solus
24.S. Tupetu de Tupetu, lottery organizer
25.Exit S. Goya, alchimist
26. S. Escargot, sybarite
27.S. Hure de Chasteté, penitent
28.S. Turgescent, iconoclast
29.Cymbalum Mundi
April 21 to May 18
1. Sts. Crocodiles, crocodiles
2. Fête des Ecluses
3. Sts. Trolls, pantins
4. St. Susan Calvin, doctor
5. St. Poignée, widow and Se Jutte, recluse
6. St. Oneille, gourgandine
7. St. Fénéon ès Liens
8. St. Bougrelas, prince
9. Sts. Boleslas and Ladislas, the Poles
10. St. Forficule, Barnabite
11. Explosion of the Palotin
12. Reprobation of the Travail
13. St. Léonardo da Vinci, illusionist
14. Equivoque, seasonless
15. Nativity of St. Alfred Tautz, algebrateur
16.Deploration of S. Achras, éleveur de Polèdres
17. St. Macrotatoure, caudataire
18. Boating Feast
19. Occultation of S. Gauguin
20. St. Ti Belot, séide
21. Occultation de S. Mce le Dr. Sandomir
22. Sts. Palotins of the Phynances
23. Sts.. Quatrezoneilles, Herdanpo, Mousched-Gogh, palotins
24 St. Lumelle, écuyère
25. Sts.. Potassons, acolytes
26. Se Prétentaine, virgin
27. St. Foin, coryphée
28. Nativity of St. Satie, Grand Parcier of l'Église d'Art
29. Erratum
May 19 to June 15
1. Delivery of St. Jeanne, papess
2. The Moutardier of the Pope
3. S. Siège, underpape
4. Nativity of St. Henri Rousseau, customs
5. St. Crouducul, troupier
6. St. Cucufat, mécène
7. Nativity of Monsieur Plume, proprietor
8. Cocuage of Père Ubu
9. Vidange
10. St. Barbapoux, lover
11. St. Memnon, vidangeur
12. Sts. Miches, catechumens
13. St. Lunette, solitaire
14. St. Sphincter, profès
15. Sts. Serpents d'Airain
16. Nativity of S. Donatien A. Francois
17.St. S. Woland, professor
18. St. Anal, cordelier and Se Foire, anagogue
19. St. Fétatoire the Great
20. St. Colombine, expurgated
21. St. Pyrotechnie, illumined
22. Ontogénie pataphysique
23. Interpretation of humor l'umour
24. St. Purge, wisewoman
25. Apparition of King Ubu
26. St. Barbaque, naïade
27. Sts. Courts et Longs, policemen
28. St. Raca, cagot
29. The Undoing of the Mufle
June 16 to July13
1. Ste Bouzine, esprit
2. St. Lucullus, amateur (Bloosday)
3. St. Dondon, amazon
4. St. Tripe, republican
5. St. Ugolin, mansuet
6. St. Dieu, retired
7. St. Bébé Toutout, evangelist
8. Se Boudouille, bayadère
9.Se Outre, psychiatrist
10. S. Boudin, rector
11. Talou VII the Consedrated, emperor of Ponukélé
12.Se Confiture the Devout and Se Cliche, donatrice
13.SS. Instintestins, intimate councellors
14.S. Colon, gunner
15.Se Giborgne,the Venerable
16.S. Inventaire, poet
17.Se Femelle, technician
18.Visitation of Mother Ubu
19. S. Sein, tautologue
20.S. Périnée, zélateur
21. S. Spéculum, confessor
22. Feast of the Gidouille
23. S. Ombilic, gymnosophist
24. S. Gris-gris, ventre
25.S. Bouffre, pontiff
26.Se Goulache, odalisque
27.Se Gandouse, hygienist
28. Poche of Father Ubu
29. Name of Ubu
July 14 to August 10
1.Feast of Father Ubu d'été
2.Commemoration of Father Ebé3. Se Crapule, purist and S. Fantomas, archangel
4. Ascension of Mouchard, statistician, psychiatrist and policeman
5.S. Arsouille, patricien
6.SS. Robot and Cornard, citizens
7.S. Biribi, taulier
8.Susception of the Croc à Merdre
9.SS. Ecrase-Merdre, sectateurs
10.SS. Pieds Nickelés, trinité
11.SSes Canicule and Canule, jouvencelles
12.SS. Cannibales, philanthropes
13. S. Dada, ["Hobbyhorse"] prophet
14. Se Anne, Pèlerine, énergumène
15. Procession to the Phynances
16.Transfiguration of S. Vincent van Gogh, mutalator
17.Se Flamberge, traveller
18.S. Trou, chauffeur
19.Se Taloche, matrone
20.S. Tiberge, brother collector
21.SS. Catoblepas, lord and Anoblepas, amiral.
22.Ubu ès Liens
23.S. Pissembock, uncle
24.S. Pissedoux, caporal of free men
25.S. Panurge, moralist
26.S. Glé, neurologist
27.S. Pistolet à Merdre, jubilarian
28.Nativity of S. Bruggie
29.The cold, solid sun
August 11 to September 7
1.S. Chibre, planton
2.Se Ruth, zélatrice
3.S. Zebb, universal pass
4.S. Mnester, confessor
5.Assomption of the Se Messaline
6. Penis Angelicus
7.S. Patrobas, fireman
8. St. Léda, ajusteuse
9. St. Godemiché, economist
10. St. Nitouche, orante
11. St. Lèchefrite, botteuse
12. St. Andouille, amphibologue
13. St. Bitre, ouvreuse et S. Etalon, roofer
14. Battle of Morsang
15. Death of Dionysus, superman
16. Nativity of St. Vibescu, prophet
17. St. Gallinacée, cocotte
18. St. Lingam
19. St. Prélote, capucin
20. St. Pie VIII, navigator
21. St. Erbrand, polytechnician
22. St. Dragonne, fireeater
23. St. Lazare, gare
24. St. Orchidée, aumonière
25. Apparent nativity of Artaud le Momo
26.Disappearance of the Ancient Breughel, incendiary
27. St. Priape, frank-marksman
28. Transfixion of St. Messaline
29. Le Termès